
Bob Shannon, Steve West, RadioMaxMusic Internet Radio | April 9, 2006

Bob Shannon WCBS-FM RadioMaxMusic
Bob Shannon, WCBS-FM, RadioMaxMusic
Date of Recording: 04.09.2006
Station: Internet Radio (Flemington, New Jersey)
Featured Air Personalities: Bob Shannon (Don Bombard) // WAER-FM, WNDR, WOLF, WKTQ, WYNY, WOR-TV, WCBS-FM, WLNG, RadioMaxMusic,
Steve West (Steve Sawyer) WCAT, WFGL, WFMP, WHAI, WEZL, KOUL, KLTG, WINQ, WOGY, WMBZ, WGKX, WJZN, WMC-FM, RadioMaxMusic, WCTZ, HitOldies
Date of Contribution: 04.09.2006

..Try sleeping on your back sometime…


Steve WestThis station shows the logical evolution of radio, if one understands what has been going on with over-the-air radio. The personalities seem to have gone online. Well, here’s an example of what happens when radio professionals take to the internet airwaves. RadioMaxMusic was the first internet destination for both Bob Shannon and Steve West. At the time this aircheck was recorded, Bob Shannon was holding down the 3 to 7pm time slot on WCBS-FM New York. His was one of the most popular shows in the city at the time. He was also working with his wife, Connie T. Empress both at 92.1 WLNG out on Eastern Long Island and on Steve West was the Afternoon Drive News Anchor on the Information Radio Network, and had just ended a four year run doing news for the Young & Elder Morning Show on WGKX “Kix 106”, and being the Evening 7-midnight jock. We led active radio lives!

The best way to describe the sound of this is major market professional! This sound could hold it’s own in any market, in fact given the quality of talent these days, in some places it would probably rate highest in the market! Well… okay, that’s just personal conjecture but one might notice that your webmaster is proud of both his work on this station and the fact that he got to work with some incredibly talented personalities.. it was a real treat!

RadioMaxMusic Internet Radio


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