Composite: 610 KFRC San Francisco | August 14, 1968

It’s the heavy sound of KFRC as the Bay Area’s Top 40 giant plays the phsychadelic rock hits of the late 60s! These guys SOUND like hippies – yes, scads is a real word, and everything was groovy. True, this really does sound as old as it is. Its hard to believe we actually talked like this back then but hearing is believing!

Most of this is Dave Diamond, probably three different recordings all rolled up into one composite aircheck. The first several minutes of audio are a bit muffled, as tape wear took its toll on this golden aircheck, but it does get much better about 8 minutes in. You’ll hear some great commercials, both local and national spots, such as Aretha Franklin singing “Things Go Better With Coka-Cola”. And along with the Bill Drake Intro-Legal ID at the top of the hour, the Johnny Mann Singers KFRC Jingles and the music (scoped, of course), the best part of this aircheck by far is Dave Diamond. While he doesn’t sport Dan Ingram’s (WABC) irreverent humor, his choice of words to describe just about every aspect of his show and all things San Francisco show off a command of the English language very rarely heard on America’s airwaves today. In fact, I’d suspect it’s heard NOWHERE – since radio isn’t done like this anymore.

Runs 18 minutes, courtesy of original Contributor Matt Seinberg of Big Apple Airchecks.


6 responses to “Composite: 610 KFRC San Francisco | August 14, 1968”

  1. boogibar Avatar

    jay stevens was great…so under-rated…

  2. Cricketdaddy Avatar

    First of all, the word is “psychedelic” and if you’re going to claim any credibility at all, yes, it matters. Next, no… We, the young listeners of the era didn’t really talk like this, we only dreamed of it. This is the inimitable Dave Diamond. He didn’t mimic cultural trends, he started them. He mesmerized his audience.

    Hey, Boogibar, how’s it hangin’? – KROY, DW

  3. Alexandra McConnell-Hill Avatar
    Alexandra McConnell-Hill

    This ~totally~ brings me back! I miss listening to the REAL KFRC on 610 so much on my little transistor radio with the one sided ear plug. Dave Diamond in the “Diamond Mine”; what memories! Some of commercials were hokey for sure, but Dave never was. He was always contemporary and he could easily walk into any radio station today and be exactly the same way, modern and up to date. Rock on Dave!

  4. Joe Colllins Avatar
    Joe Colllins

    I had the good fortune of working at The Big610 for 7 years. Worked with the likes of Mike Phillips, Jay Stevens, Bobby Dale, Howard Clark, and the great Dale Dorman. Dale worked some magic, weaving insanity over the short intros of the music we played. Those fist 3 years, from ’66 thru ’69 were the most exciting. Tom Rounds, the origional program director, set the whole thing in motion. It was a great education for me, and I will always be greatful for showing up and being in the right place at the right time.
    Joe Collins

  5. Dan Brookens Avatar
    Dan Brookens

    I had the pleasure of having Dave as a professor at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, SD, back in the mid-90’s. He was a hoot.

  6. Sometimes I read these comments years later and wonder just what was the writer thinking? Credibility? You bet we claim credibility. There are so few places where an historian can write with accuracy about the stories history of americaโ€™s Biggest stations. We study the history of the stationโ€™s here.

    Know what you are talking about next time. We at Airchexx are THE authority of the history of radio in North America. And we have the audio to prove it!

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