104.3 Kansas City KBEQ Q104

Composite: Kansas City CHR Stations | May, 1989

Curator’s Comments:

This was posted a LONG time ago. So long ago, it sat at the bottom of the list of posted airchecks… within the first 100 donated to the site back in the year 2002. Therefore, much of the ‘technical information’ isn’t quite available. Still. its a good composite showing off some of the best of Kansas City from 1989.

Original Comments: (From 2002)

This Kansas City offering brings us back to the tail end of the golden years of FM CHR. It was Top 40 radio’s second golden era (the first having been the AM Top 40 days that ended in the late 70s). A time of zany morning show teams, hot jingles and larger than life hits.

Some of the personalities have moved on to bigger things on the internet and elsewhere. People like Joel Denver (All Access Music Group founder) you’ll probably recognize instantly. Others haven’t been heard from in a while. But this composite has the middle of America written all over it, and literally sizzles with excitement from a time when it was still FUN to listen to the radio.

This starts with morning shows, and moves through an entire broadcast day sampling three stations in rotating order: KXXR, KXPW and KBEQ. Runs 50 minutes, courtesy of Robyn Watts.


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