1110 Los Angeles KRLA KXLA Dick Biondi Casey Casem Bob Eubanks Ed Hurst The Beatles

Dave Hull, 1110 KRLA Los Angeles Reunion, Part 1 | October 31, 1981

Dave Hull KRLA
Dave Hull at KRLA Los Angeles circa 1965
Date of Recording: 10.31.1981
Station: 1110 KRLA Los Angeles, California, USA
Airchexx Entry: 1,037 (Repost at 1,450) (What does this mean (1))
Presented in two parts. This is Part 1 of 2 (Click here for Part Two)

“..I worked at so many… I think that was the other station before the other station before the other station..”)


Presenting Part one of the KRLA Reunion… Halloween Weekend 1981. There was a list of who’s who in L.A. radio who graced the airwaves of KRLA, including Humble Harve and Dick Biondi. We actually only have this from Dave Hull for part 1. Part two will feature the talents of Dick Biondi and will post at a later time.

What do you notice most about Dave Hull? This certainly isn’t intended to be any kind of Top 40 recreation. The jocks are a bit slow and dry (but at least warm and friendly), and the jingle package KRLA used for the reunion (and back in the day, for that matter) was horrible. Perhaps that’s what made them stand out in a city used to hearing the Johnny Mann Singers on KHJ.

You’ll hear a lot of Beatles and British Invasion songs, as well as a few stiffs from the 50s, but overall this was well produced and gave the old jocks a chance to come back and do it again one last time. Again, Part two features Dick Biondi, and we can’t wait to hear that!

Bumper Sticker Scan courtesy of KM Richards


2 responses to “Dave Hull, 1110 KRLA Los Angeles Reunion, Part 1 | October 31, 1981”

  1. JM in San Diego CA Avatar
    JM in San Diego CA

    I first heard Dave Hull on KFI in 1969. Does anybody remember the Dave Hull Dummy? It was a great gimmick. I actually sent to KFI to get one, but I lost it many years ago.

    The Dave Hull Dummy was a balloon printed with a whole-body cartoon caricature of Dave. The proud owner blew up the balloon, tied off the open end and then slid it into a cardboard cutout printed with an image of two feet. It would stand up on the feet. The closest things we have today are the various celebrity bobble-heads.

  2. The KRLA jingles predate Drake Johnny Mann jingles by several years (1962 or 1963) so yes, they were pretty crappy. KFWB’s jingles were better in that era.

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