John Mack Flanagan KFRC

John Mack Flanagan inducted into the National Radio DJ Hall of Fame – video | September 3, 2016’s National Radio DJ Hall of Fame has opened and our very first inductee is John Mack Flanagan! John began his career in Arizona, and after honorably serving with the US Army in Vietnam, resumed his career.

His work on air and in the production room with the legendary Ron Hummel is some of the best, not only in Northern California, but in all of Top 40 radio history!

The personality based Top 40 era that most refer to is the roughly 35 years from 1960 to 1985, and John Mack Flanagan was there for most of it. In fact, his career lasted well into the 1990s!

Perhaps the pinnacle of John’s career was at 610 KFRC San Francisco, where he achieved the highest ratings in the history of the KFRC call letters. Twice the Billboard Personality of the year, John is loved by thousands of listeners all around the Bay Area.

John says that for him, his listeners are the most important thing of all. He truly LIVES his audience, a man with a big heart, both on and off the air!

We’re proud to induct John Mack Flanagan into the National DJ Hall of Fame!

Here’s the video from John’s induction ceremony, from September 3, 2016!


One response to “John Mack Flanagan inducted into the National Radio DJ Hall of Fame – video | September 3, 2016”

  1. Robin Solis Avatar
    Robin Solis

    Hey! Wolfman was the reason I went into radio. From So Cal, I didn’t hear John Mac until I moved to SF in the mis 1980s. But he was thee voice of KFRC as I listened around the dial. Such energy and great pipes! Bless his radio heart.

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