1360 AM Hartford, WDRC, Big D

Ken Gilbert, 1360 WDRC Hartford | January 1983

Date of Recording: January, 1983
Contributor: Ken Gilbert
Station: 1360 WDRC (AM) Hartford
Featured Air Talent: Ken Gilbert


I asked Mr. Gilbert what WDRC-AM sounded like before the flip to Oldies, and so here’s a 9 minute high-quality scope from 1983. While Ken didn’t say so, it sure seems like Buckley did more of a slow format turn towards oldies from Top 40 during ’83. Listen to this, then the aircheck from later in 1983 to get a feel for where the station was going.

1360 WDRC Hartford


5 responses to “Ken Gilbert, 1360 WDRC Hartford | January 1983”

  1. Gary James Avatar
    Gary James

    Ken is terrific regardless of the format! I worked with Ken during this time and the PD at the time was against ever mentioning Big D. Notice, there were no jingles either.

    1. Ken Gilbert Avatar
      Ken Gilbert

      Gary, we didn’t need jingles then. We just did it.. KG.

  2. Ken Gilbert Avatar
    Ken Gilbert

    And that picture is not me. My bad!!

  3. One correction on the date: this may be from February or March or possibly April of 1983; the mention of the USFL games in the aircheck definitely places this as after January as the USFL’s inaugural season of 1983 started in late February or early March.

  4. Ken Gilbert Avatar
    Ken Gilbert

    Scobbyfan, I didn’t put the date on there. KG

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