Mike Addams, 68 WRKO Boston | December 25, 1978

Aircheck courtesy of Big Apple Airchecks! - Thanks!Yes, the disco era is in full swing, and WRKO is doing its part to burn a hole through the genre… but there’s plenty of Rock to be found on this Christmas day 1978. True ’nuff, this is a scoped presentation but you will hear the artist titles, and promotions for picture disk giveaways, concerts and more, with Mike Addams. Notice, there’s no Christmas music? Interesting.

It’s just a typical day at the legendary 68 WRKO – this aircheck very representative of the late 70s when we all were in a different state of mind.

This ‘check includes a ’60 second news update’ – that’s the way they used to present news from about 1976-1978.

68 WRKO Boston


8 responses to “Mike Addams, 68 WRKO Boston | December 25, 1978”

  1. tom whalen Avatar
    tom whalen

    interesting how three of the personalities on this aircheck are still on Boston radio , like Mike Adams on Magic 106 , Jordan Rich and Bill Rossi on WBZ 1030 Bill occuping Gary LaPierre’s old spot

  2. Karl Phillips Avatar
    Karl Phillips

    Mike started his radio career back in the mid to late 60’s with WFOM in Marietta, Georgia and worked a spell on weekends at WQXI 790 Quixie when I was there in 1968 and 1969.

    1. I have listened to this aircheck and do not think this is the same Mike Adams that was on the air at WFOM in Marietta, Ga. I used to listen religiously to Mike’s show when I lived in Marietta in 1969-72 and there is a different voice quality with this Mike Adams. I may be wrong as it is just my impression after listening to this voice. I would love to find an aircheck for the WFOM Mike Adams. He was the self proclaimed “Giant Purple Rabbit” and will always be one of my favorite radio personalities along with Gary McKee from WQXI.

  3. I have the enviable and distinct privilege of being able to say that I was on the same air staff with Mike Addams.

    It was 1993, WODS/Oldies 103/Boston (at that time, still, a CBS wholly owned & operated) on Winter Street.

    From March of 1993 to September 1993, WODS did not have a Program Director. Also, during that time, I was the Production Director; (which, by default, made me the “go-to” person in WODS’s Programming Department; in lieu of the fact that Music Director, Sandy Benson was off-premises during her maternity leave) in addition to my regularly scheduled on-air shifts. I was working 70 hours per week; and I loved it!

    When Arbitron ratings still mattered, (prior to corporate mergers and subsequent leveraged buyouts) WODS-Oldies 103/Boston pulled down BACK TO BACK (overall) #-1 books; #-1 Spring and #-1 Summer in 1993.

    This incomparable WODS lineup was:

    Mike Addams – Mornings
    Paula Street – Mid-Day
    Austin of Boston (R.I.P.) Afternoons
    Jay Gordon – 6 to 9 P.M.
    Mike Finegan – 9 to 1 A.M.
    Jason Wright and Scott Roberts (Overnights)
    and “The Weekend Warriors” – Little Walter, Jason Wright and Scott Roberts.
    Music Director – Sandy Benson
    Production Director – Jason Wright.

    While other Boston radio stations were giving away cars, gobs of money and vacation trips, the (above) OLDIES 103-WODS-Boston on-air Programming staff pulled down back to back #1 (Spring and Summer 1993) Arbitron Books with only their collective talents and mere keychain and t-shirt giveaways.

    It’s all there in glorious (Arbitron) black and white. Some of the (daypart) breakdowns are staggering!

    The moral to the story…

    In October 1993, WODS-Oldies 103 finally hired a Program Director, Rick Shockley.

    Suffice to say, WODS-Oldies 103 went from 1st to 5th; resulting from the “departure” of Mike Addams, my “steadfast” demotion from Production Director/Air Talent to only “Weekend Warrior” status; coupled with the subsequent (Rick Shockley/new WODS Program Director) hirings of “air talent” who had absolutely no business being on air; not only at WODS, but any major market.

    After 30 years in the biz, I left, (becoming totally convinced that “management” will never “get it;” meaning, when to leave a good thing alone) and presently have a thriving business working solely for myself.

    In closing, (as they say) it was fun while it lasted, and I am very proud of having been a professional peer in (you be the judge) what I consider to be the greatest, most-listenable on air lineup the Boston radio market has ever heard.

    Perhaps I’m being a bit biased. Nonetheless, from March to September of 1993, I was a major part in the success (of what used to be) a premier, CBS, Inc. owned and operated radio station; when (real) ratings, professionalism, talent and craftsmanship mattered.

    P.S.: Mike Addams, you’re a “fine American!”

  4. Steve Bleecker Avatar
    Steve Bleecker

    Interesting…at the time this “snapshot” was recorded, R K O was referring to itself, occasionally, as “The Album Station”…obviously feeling some increasing (but short lived) Pressure from Lee Abrams, consultant to many stations, nationwide…he “Invented” that WINNING format & “Brand”…primarily successful MANY FM Stations…so…AM’ers were “up against it…and I think RKO here is an example of that “fight back ” !
    MEANTIME…I had Just gone to KXOA, Sacramento, Ca. (AM)…to do the Album oriented thing for Art Schroeder & Brown Broadcasting.
    AT THAT time…Harry Nelson had just “landed” at K F R C…and we “hooked up” a few times together, for Brief AND OBLITERATED Visits…I remember passing out( literally!) at Harry’s place outside of San Francisco…middle of the night…just hours before having to find my way back to Sacramento…AND actually GO ON THE AIR…at 6 AM…Thanks, Har !!!!

  5. “:Perhaps Iโ€™m being a bit biased. Nonetheless, from March to September of 1993, I was a major part in the success “”

    We you the guy that quit on the air?

  6. Steve Bleecker Avatar
    Steve Bleecker

    First ~ Let me wish a warm, and spirited Merry Christmas to and its Huge Staff !! Oh, WAIT… is AMAZINGLY Propelled into THE BIGGEST SKY…FULL of The Biggest Radio Stars and Stations …by only ONE Guy. We Wish YOU a Great Christmas, STEVE WEST and NANCY !!. AND TODAY……A MAJOR GIFT IS GIVEN TO US ALL~MIKE ADDAMS / WRKO , HIS WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS DAY BROADCAST ! I could not find THIS Show clip to save myself…just getting more frustrated with each empty attempt I made ! SO…ENTER STEVE WEST…and with a snap of his fingers,, a wink of his eye ~ Like Magic ~ MIKE ADDAMS !!! A SPRCIAL THANKS, as ALWAYS, STEVE !

  7. As far as Christmas music; stations did not hijacjk formats in November; they usually did the “sprinkle” method in December and maybe all Christmas music on Christmas Eve and morning, the drop all in the midday on Christmas; they followed the lead of great programmers like Rick Sklar and John Gehron…WABC would drop all at noon an dobthr top 100 of the year…other stations would go back tovregular format at 10 AM…RKO was another great station!

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