100.3 FM New York, WHTZ, Z100

NYC 80’s CHR Wars: Jojo Morales on WHTZ

Here’s a jock who would be another staple of Z-100 throughout the 90s. Morales is another high-energy personality who would be a ratings leader on this mainstream CHR powerhouse!

More from ECA and Robyn Watts!

WHTZ WVNJ Z100 New York New Jersey Jojo Morales Scott Shannon CHR Top 40 HitRadio Music radio


6 responses to “NYC 80’s CHR Wars: Jojo Morales on WHTZ”

  1. Eh….. This isn’t my best. Not even close.

    1. Victoria Garcia Avatar
      Victoria Garcia

      I remember JoJo fondly from my High School days in NY. Listening to JoJo brings back some GREAT memories. I live in LA now and miss DJs like JoJo and Kid Kelly.. they were always so fun!

  2. ken burton Avatar
    ken burton

    Jojo was one of the worst I ever heard. I stopped listening to the station because of him. Good riddence, glad he isn’t on the air anymore. Talk about Air pollution.

    1. Okay, I”ll post a negative comment. But, Ken, what was it in particular that you didn’t like about Jojo? He sounded good to me.

  3. JoJo Morales Avatar
    JoJo Morales

    Didnโ€™t I date your mom? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. JoJo Morales Avatar
    JoJo Morales

    Thanks Victoria! Good times. ๐Ÿ™‚

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