96.3 Chicago, WBBM-FM

Pat Reynolds, 96.3 WBBM-FM Chicago | July, 1990

Date of Recording: July, 1990 (Exact date unknown)
Station: WBBM-FM 96.3 Chicago
Featured Air Talent: Pat Reynolds
Contributor: Robyn Watts
Aircheck Entry: 1,405


Its been quite a while since we posted something from the absolutely fabulous Robyn Watts collection but lets just say this was worth the wait! WBBM-FM’s nickname at this point in time was “The Killer Bee”, and B96 was really smokin’ here!

The pace is lightning fast. There’s a couple of promotional spots in there which shows off the station’s killer production talents and creativity. The jingles were ultra modern – but we have no idea what package it might be from. Somebody knows.

This is the first aircheck of Pat Reynolds. Don’t know who he is or what other stations he worked at but he was sure good enough to work in this major market powerhouse!

96.3 Chicago, WBBM-FM


One response to “Pat Reynolds, 96.3 WBBM-FM Chicago | July, 1990”

  1. D to the M Avatar
    D to the M

    Pat Reynolds, also known as Bo Reynolds, did a year or so in PM Drive at K-Hits in Chicago a few years ago. Also worked in Tampa, Phoenix, Denver and various smaller markets. As of late in Ft Walton/Destin FL as PD/air talent at a Country station.

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