Steve Mitchell, 96.3 WMYQ Miami | December 29, 1972

Courtesy of the new Mike Raub Collection, here’s a quarter-hour of the Steve Mitchell Show on the old WMYQ Miami. This is everything you wanted to hear in the “Q” format… Q-Tips, Shotgun “Q” jingles (the same you would hear at KCBQ San Diego during this time period) and the whole shotgun approach to Top 40 radio.

WMYQ was the station which immediately preceeded the station known as 96X – WMJX, which went on to legendary status only to have it’s license revoked by the FCC in 1981. There are other tribute sites to this station on the web, so we won’t get into the particulars of 96X here.

Related: Phil Baker on WMYQ, 1974


4 responses to “Steve Mitchell, 96.3 WMYQ Miami | December 29, 1972”

  1. Actually, the aircheck contains Steve Mitchell and one of probably 100 Johnny Darks in the country.


  2. This Johnny Dark went on to fame at WRKO Boston and WNBC NYC. Always used to refer to something called a “tartan tootoo” on RKO when I was a kid.

  3. Steven Green Avatar
    Steven Green

    I worked there in 1973. Roby Yonge was doing mornings. Y-100 started 8-3-73 and buried WMYQ in less than two years.

  4. robert blumenkranz Avatar
    robert blumenkranz

    I was chief engineer of WMYQ and built the studios in 1971/1972…

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