99.5 WAIL

The Ron & Ron Radio Network, 99.5 WAIL Key West, FL | July 3, 1996

Ron & Ron
Ron & Ron from 99.5 WAIL Key West
Date of Recording: 07.03.96
Station: 99.5 WAIL (Whale 99) Key West, Florida, USA
Format: Active Rock
Featured Air Talent: Ron Bennington & Ron Diaz
Contributor: Ken Gilbert
Airchexx Entry: 1,454

“…Do we come from UFOs?”


Here’s a unique morning show. We know very little about these guys, although one of them went on to start the “Ron & Fez” show heard elsewhere. This is where you, our visitors, come in. Help fill in the blanks about these two morning show guys.

Note, this is a Rock station, but there’s zero music in this, a seemingly long diatribe about terrorists, Muslims and other controversial issues surrounding the Olympic Bombing in Atlanta, and issues surrounding Saudi Arabia. These two really stirred the pot and if you didn’t know this was recorded in 1996, you could easily think it’s a current events show today.

This comes with a parental advisory for controversial issues, what would today possibly constitute some mild hate speech, and other topics. While more ‘adult’ themed, there are no references to sexual issues.

99.5 WAIL


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