“Tiger” Bob Raleigh, 1580 WPGC Morningside (MD) | August 30, 1966

'Tiger' Bob Raleigh, WPGC Staff Photo, early 1960s

Courtesy of Contributor Frank Davis, here’s a rare recording of Tiger Bob Raleigh during the ‘Good Guys Radio’ era at WPGC. This station was an AM / FM simulcast even in the ’60s, and there’s even a promo about two thirds of the way through this scoped aircheck prompting listeners to purchase an FM radio and if they have one to tune to 95.5 FM. Considering this is 1966, it’s quite amazing to hear this.

WPGC is using reverb, although it’s applied lightly – certainly not the bone-crushing reverb that WABC New York used through the 60s and 70s, but it’s there. Listen for some features that WPGC used through the 1970s – right up till the station flipped to Urban in the early 80s – “Sound off”, which was one where listeners wrote in to the station to voice their opinion about any subject. Letters read on the station each week were awarded a cash prize… here in 1966, the prize was ten dollars, a lot of money back then! Also, nightly features included ‘Salute Your School’ – listeners would call in and salute their high school. When most stations back in the 60s played it safe and didn’t put callers on the air, WPGC did, as evidenced at the end of this aircheck.

Question for our listeners. Is this Bob Raleigh the same DJ turned talk show host who was heard on WBZ Boston from the mid-70s through his retirement in 1999? Perhaps someone knows.

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