Eddie Gayle, KDUB 1340 Lubbock | December 1957


I have always been fascinated by 50s radio. it was the transitional decade from radio being the home of comedy & dramas, to the home of Rock & Roll & Radio DJs. So many radio stations were trying to figure out how to do this new style of radio. ย This air check features KDUB 1340 in Lubbock, sister station to CBS affilliate, KDUB-TV (present-day KLBK-TV), and owned by Lubbock business man, Dub Rogers.ย It’s fascinating hearing the style of the radio station, and along with the ads & of course the music. Close your eyes, listen, & be transported back over 60 years ago to 1957.




Ellis B Feaster





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3 responses to “Eddie Gayle, KDUB 1340 Lubbock | December 1957”

  1. Rockin' Ron Kay Avatar
    Rockin’ Ron Kay

    …..with all due respect to mid 1950’s radio people (and my father was one of them WJW, WDOK Cleveland)…..it’s easy to see how “announcers’ morphed into disk jockey’s. Non-comedy-drama-variety radio shows went form the show biz din of group entertainment to ‘the radio people’ developing individual personalities, that became the mainstay of AM radio til it’s ‘peak’ in the late 1970’s. Though this air check sounds quite primitive……we need only to harken back to our own ‘first attempts’ at the craft. Every radio person has an air check they find personally humiliating.

    1. Ron, I think that is why this decade of radio fascinates me as radio went though this transformation. Some are cringe worthy, some ideas are not yet fully baked, but then you hear someone like Jocko Henderson, or Mad Daddy, and you see the genius in them as they develop their craft.

  2. Fred Morton Avatar
    Fred Morton

    “Dub” Rogers was the first guy on the Lubbock TV airwaves when KDUB channel 13 went on the air in November of 1952 from a downtown office building. The 1340 frequency was originally used by KFYO, which moved over to 790 with much higher power and a far better signal in 1952/53. This obviously freed up 1340 for Mr. Rogers to put KDUB(AM) on in 1954. Later, KDUB TV/AM became KLBK TV/AM when the ownership changed in 1961 and added KLBK-FM 94.5 MHz in 1966.

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