92.3 Roanoake WXLK K92

Ellis B Feaster on K92 WXLK Roanoke\Lynchburg | September 1989

WXLK K92 Roanoke-Lynchburg – Ellis B Feaster – September 1989

Back in the 1980s, K92 was one of the highest rated radio in Virginia, with a tight, well produced CHR, in the smaller market of Roanoke, VA. Through the 80s, this station always had a 20-something share. It wasn’t just a big fish in a small pond, it was a whale in a bath tub! It sent many of it high profile personalities into large markets, including Eddie Haskell, David Lee Michaels, Cat Thomas, Sonny Joe Stevens, Blair Carter, Jeffrey T. Mason & yours truly.

This aircheck feature me on the radio hosting evenings at WXLK back in 1989, with high energy, and lots of phone interaction. -Ellis

Ellis B Feaster ย  From the Ellis B Feaster You Tube Radio Aircheck & Classic TV Channel.





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