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Ron Lundy, WABC New York | July 29, 1970

Date of Recording: 07.29.1970
Station: 770 WABC New York
Format: Top 40
Featured Air Personality: Ron Lundy (WIL/WABC/WCBS-FM) (June 25, 1934 – March 15, 2010)
Contributor: Big Apple Airchecks

Hello Love!

Original Comments:

Here’s Ron Lundy at a very sold out WABC! While this is scoped, the unscoped version still has more commercials than music. You’ll need patience to listen to this, as the source audio as we received it is choppy and a bit muddy, otherwise its a great representation of America at the height of the Vietnam war. Listen for a full newscast including stories about fish with mercury, extreme pollution, a heatwave causing reductions of electricity, and more.


4 responses to “Ron Lundy, WABC New York | July 29, 1970”

  1. The newscast is fascinating. The environmental news is based on real, quantifiable data and examples—not conjecture based on models. Shows how far we’ve come environmentally(and how far the news profession has regressed).

    1. I noticed the same thing but decided against going too deep into that discussion. It was quite a different world in 1970, to be sure. I think we could trust the media during that time to report facts, not slants.

  2. Brings back so many happy times of days gone by!

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