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The True Don Bleu, 93 KHJ Los Angeles | 1979

Restored from mud (because thats how it sounded at first playback), here’s a micro-aircheck of The True Don Bleu, who sounds more upbeat somehow on a subdued 93 KHJ. The clock was ticking toward the upcoming (but nobody knew just yet) Country format the following year, and KHJ still managed to play the hits.

I’ve been posting a wealth of KHJ/KTNQ/KFI recordings in recent weeks, and the comments really teach our visitors much. If you’re just itching to hear some great L.A. radio, here’s a link to most of our exhibits.

Aircheck #1,347 since May 2, 2002!

Big Apple Airchecks Matt Seinberg New York Traders


5 responses to “The True Don Bleu, 93 KHJ Los Angeles | 1979”

  1. This was not the subdued KHJ; it was the comeback KHJ. The one that brought them back from the dead under PD Chuck Martin. Ratings hit 2.4 before the plug was pulled for country. Never hot that high again.

    1. Thank you for that update. I knew it sounded better than boring “Position 93”!

  2. The jingle was the clue. As was his promo for Rick Dees. John Sebastian brought the True Don Bleu in from KDWB, Minneapolis, which Sebastian had programmed before KHJ, to replace Charlie Tuna in mornings in the summer of 1978.

    Sebastian left in January of 1979 and night jock Chuck Martin became PD, putting jingles and personality back on the air. Dees arrived in April and Bleu slid to middays, which is where he was here. He left within six months for San Francisco, where he’s been a major star ever since. He’s now morning drive on Big 103.7.

    1. Thanks! I was so impressed with his sound here, even though the recording is very short. Would love to hear more and perhaps someone will send in more tape soon.

  3. Bleu just announced that his last show on Big 103.7 will be this Friday, June 26. It’ll feature a retrospective of the last 30 years, 22 of which have been on that frequency, so it sounds like retirement.

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