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1470 WAXC Steve Bleecker Larry Black Don Ryan Bob Savage Rochester AM

WAXC Demo Tape | 1972

Here’s what probably was a sales demo used by station salespeople to give potential advertisers an idea of what the station sounded like. A very common practice in the industry in the years prior to consolidation, this isn’t something typical of radio stations today.

The tape starts and ends with a voiced promo. It includes short clips of Larry Black, Larry White, Don Ryan and Bob Savage, along with station jingles used in the early 1970s. Note the level of reverb the station was using!

Larry White & Larry Black

This came in on CD and sounds like the original master recording.
Courtesy of Contributor and WAXC Alumn Steve Bleecker.


10 responses to “WAXC Demo Tape | 1972”

  1. we were either lucky or spoiled here in upstate ny. with great top 40 radio all up and down the “thruway” thanks to both steves for this trip down memory lane (or I-90) in this case…

  2. Thanks, Mike ! I think Bob Savage (Robert Craig) did a fine job w/this narration !

  3. Oh before I forget…this is long, long OVDERDUE…my thanks to my longtime friend , W A X C cohort/board tech/all around good guy and station “historian” Bruce Galloway for
    giving me this Demo., years after I had left the station, where I’d started on Overnights, moving my way up finally to Middays !

    We ALL thank you for this HISTORY, Bruce !

  4. The reverb is still reverbing in my ears.

    Nice sounding station.


  5. At 1:44, the DJ said “The Twist” was from 1960. He was right, but it also hit number 1 in 1962.

  6. Where was Larry White on the demo? He was a very good jock!

  7. Thanks, Rocco! I appreciate your kind comment.

  8. To expand on my post, “The Twist” also hit #1 in 1960, and as far as I know, it’s the only song ever to hit the top in separate chart runs. Also, I liked the jingle at 1:47.

  9. 18-34? I was born in 1965 and spent 1971-75 listening to this station through the transistor radio that rarely if ever left my person. Discovering music through that radio and this station remains one of the great joys of my life. I’ve never forgotten you guys! Thanks.

    1. I was born in ’63, and don’t have much use for anything that came out prior to the rock and roll era or after about mid-’78. There is, however, one fairly recent song I can’t get enough of: namely Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking out Loud”. the melody puts me in mind of Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get it On”.

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