Arkansas Tornado Coverage, WMC-TV, WLMT-TV and WREC-AM Memphis | February 24, 2007

Sometimes, you just can’t help but be glued to your radio or TV set when the weather guy says there’s a chance of tornadoes. Such was the case when your webmaster still lived in the Bluff City, and I couldn’t help but hit the record button in Adobe Audition, as I had TV, Radio, tape and a record player all patched in as audio sources at the time. I had my Ham radio HF rig patched in, too, but there’s nothing terribly interesting for our listeners that I might record off the ham bands, but I digress.

When you listen to this aircheck, see how detail oriented the local weather guys are, This might be interesting to listen to for those who live outside ‘Tornado Alley’.

If you’re on this page because you’re a weather enthusiast, you might be interested in the latest weather forecast online… so, here’s a link to AccuWeather(tm).


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