930 Los Angeles, KHJ, KKHJ, KRTH, Don Lee, Robert W. Morgan, The Real Don Steele, Charlie Van Dyke, Roger Christian, Gary Mack, Boss Radio, 93/KHJ

Charlie Van Dyke, 93 KHJ Los Angeles | May 5, 1977

Van Dyke & Company is how the show was identified when Charlie arrived at 68 WRKO in Boston. But here at KHJ, CVD simply shined! A man who was funny and had a great set of pipes (which nearly everyone has heard due to his TV station imaging), Charlie Van Dyke was perfect for the morning show at the great 93/KHJ!

This aircheck features it all! Not much in the way of music… we’ve had to scope it out, after all, but lots of Van Dyke wit, a few bits, phone calls and for historic sake, the commercials are all left intact.

This was Charlie’s final show on KHJ, before parent company RKO General sent him east to take over the morning slot on the afore mentioned WRKO. We’ll leave the rest of the description blank, because it’s you, our listeners, who will judge this aircheck better than I!

930 Los Angeles, KHJ, KKHJ, KRTH, Don Lee, Robert W. Morgan, The Real Don Steele, Charlie Van Dyke, Roger Christian, Gary Mack, Boss Radio, 93/KHJ

Aircheck #1,333 since May 2, 2002!

Big Apple Airchecks Matt Seinberg New York Traders

Aircheck courtesy of Big Apple Airchecks


9 responses to “Charlie Van Dyke, 93 KHJ Los Angeles | May 5, 1977”

  1. Yes, Charlie was one of the best big voice guys from the 60s & 70s, and
    he worked everywhere, CKLW, WLS, many greats.

  2. Gary Kerns Avatar
    Gary Kerns

    Liked the Nixon spoof early in this ‘check.

  3. Did Charlie say this was his last show on KHJ? Was he forced by the RKO brass to go to Boston?

  4. Calradiopd Avatar

    Charlie left KHJ for KLIF in Dallas. WRKO was nearly two years later.

  5. Richard Wagoner Avatar
    Richard Wagoner

    So this is just prior to position 93 (was John Sebastian the next PD?), which was then followed by Chuck Martin. Imagine if Martin took over instead of Sebastian!

  6. Calradiopd Avatar

    No. Michael Spears from KFRC was the next PD. He lasted six months, then Sebastian came in.

  7. Sebastian’s “Position 93” was among the most boring formats of its time.

    Anyone disagree? Raise your hand if you do.

    I don’t see any hands.


  8. Carmine Avatar

    God has spoken

  9. shawn aulbrook Avatar
    shawn aulbrook

    1970’s…CKLW Windsor/Detroit…..the most powerful station on the planet at that time…I listened to Charlie Van Dyke from the Niagara Falls area…and his booming voice is still heard today in this area as voice over for WIVB TV Buffalo…What a Voice!!

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