98.7 FM Dallas KNUS Karl Ireland KLUV

Composite: 98.7 KNUS “K-News 99” Dallas | September 2, 1972

“KNUS… With the world’s Greatest Contest…”

Once again, we go back to the Robyn Watts Collection for a real CLASSIC! You have one minute from the time your prize is announced to call in and claim it. Actually, you have to listen to see how this contest works.

KNUS is the epitome of continuous contesting! When not playing the ‘World’s Greatest Contest’, the station is giving away albums, T-shirts and more! This is McLendon’s personality station, and its a serious lesson on how to do radio the RIGHT way!

As always, listener comments are welcome!

98.7 FM Dallas KNUS Karl Ireland KLUV


5 responses to “Composite: 98.7 KNUS “K-News 99” Dallas | September 2, 1972”

  1. Mark in Auburn, New York Avatar
    Mark in Auburn, New York

    The Cowboys-Redskins game and the Chiefs-Eagles game both mentioned were played on October 22.

    Nice to hear this! I’ve only heard KNUS before on a segment of “Bootleg Top 40 Volume 2” and this check is from just about the same time. Like the way they did ID’s with listener endorsements. The “World’s Greatest Contest” must have been a counter-program to “The LAST Contest.”

  2. Mark O. Avatar
    Mark O.

    Nice sounding station, except for the Contest! All the hang ups on callers who don’t qualify are torture to listen to. Seems like it was a botched concept to me.

  3. Betsy Davis Avatar
    Betsy Davis

    Where is Fred Olson Kennedy Now? I miss “The Great Great Guru, Mahureeshee Mahesh Feeleme Boney Belly”! Where is he?

  4. robert nichoson Avatar
    robert nichoson


  5. Lucky Lou Avatar
    Lucky Lou

    Their cheapie version of the Last Contest sounds bad. As mentioned, the hangups, and a poor Jack McCoy imitation on the promos. Not bad, but no WMYQ here.

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