1540 Albany WPTR WDCD

QuickChexx: Mark Allen, 1540 WPTR Albany | June, 1968

Here’s an early donation from the fabulous Robyn Watts!

The recording featured on this tape has seen better times, with a bit of white noise (hiss) present. The night this was recorded, WPTR was subject to fading and a bit of interference from another station at times in the background. Any guesses as to what station might be lurking underneath WPTR?

For only a two minute aircheck, we’re treated to some good WPTR jingles, a bit of Mark Allen and the fast pace of this great Top 40 radio station! There are certainly not enough recordings out there of the mighty 1540, in fact, this is the First to grace our website!

1540 Albany WPTR WDCD

Aircheck #1,277 since May 2, 2002!


3 responses to “QuickChexx: Mark Allen, 1540 WPTR Albany | June, 1968”

  1. Dave Arnold Avatar
    Dave Arnold

    Perhaps a Canadian station under PTR.

  2. mike hotaling Avatar
    mike hotaling

    went to chicago after wptr and changed his name to bob dearborn and became a wcfl legend.

  3. Albert David Avatar
    Albert David

    My guess is that the station interfering is KXEL, the 50,000 powerhouse in Waterloo, Iowa.

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