Randy Robins, 79 WQXI Atlanta | 1969

Here’s some 1969 Atlanta gold! Audio quality is better than FM here on a tape provided to us by Contributor Karl Philips. This is from the original master REEL, which I encoded using a loaned Wollensack courtesy of Contributor and site friend Jack Parnell.

Scoped as always, WQXI is sporting PAMS jingles, some great tunes and tons of commercials. Check out the one for Burger King!

Fans of 60s Atlanta radio will surely remember Randy Robins as a great southern jock with lots of one-liners.

Be sure to read through the comments, they are sure to bring back some memories!

79 790 WQXI Atlanta Tony Tiger Randy Robbins Gary McKee 1969 1960s Quicksie In Dixie


22 responses to “Randy Robins, 79 WQXI Atlanta | 1969”

  1. Steven Green Avatar
    Steven Green

    I was surprised to hear Roby Yonge in the last three minutes of the aircheck doing a spot for a movie. Roby was at WABC then.

    I think I also heard a spot with The Real Don Steele about a minute later.

  2. MGD4Ever Avatar

    Wow! and people say that WABC played too many commercials back in the day. don’t get me wrong, this aircheck was loads of fun to listen to, but they played two commercials after almost every song. Even in their hay day WABC didn’t play commercials after every single song.

  3. Randy Robins Avatar
    Randy Robins

    flattered to see my aircheck listed but my name was spelled with an extra b.also i don’t have any old airchecks and wanted to hear this,but when i click on nothing happens.whats up with that.

  4. Randy, do you have the Real Player installed on your computer? You need it to hear the airchecks.

    If that’s not the problem, try clearing your browser’s cache. All these airchecks are encoded to stream flawlessly on a 28.8k dialup modem, so everyone can hear them.

    I just clicked on the link and it works, not sure what the issue is on your end.


  5. Karl Phillips Avatar
    Karl Phillips

    Ok -all you Texans need to come out of the shadows and put something in here about “Big R” !!!! This is one of the guys that made me want to be a DJ. I answered his phones for the Top 7 at 9 at Quixie before entering the Navy in 1970 and later got the chance to DJ’d with him at Lake 102 in North Atlanta in 2001. He’s a funny guy and I wish someone would wise up and hire him somewhere. Randy….Very entertaining. I got your number brother ….and I’ll talk to you soon.

  6. Jesse Hancock Avatar
    Jesse Hancock

    Randy Just Rocks
    Loved him here, but at Lake 102 fm in buford he was the only jock with real talent.

  7. David Weiss Avatar
    David Weiss

    I had the pleasure of signing for the transmitter while I did production when Randy was on the air at WQXI. I eventally did all nights at quizie. I wish some of you had the pleasure of knowing his children or knew what a dedicated father he is. Its too bad the folks in Atlanta radio don’t try harder to get him back on the air.

  8. Karl Phillips Avatar
    Karl Phillips

    Hello Dave Weiss !!! I was working at Quixie in 69 answering the phones for the Top 7 at 9 for Randy while you were doing all nights. Bubba was my nickname. You took me in the production studio and we cut me an aircheck. Later worked with Randy at Lake 102 in Buford doing all nights on weekends. I am the contributor of these airchecks which I made just for fun back then – not knowing how much pleasure they would bring others by being posted here. Later.


  9. Alan Smith Avatar
    Alan Smith

    Hey, does anybody have any airchecks of Brother Love at WQXI, 1969-1971? Followed Randy Robins, 9-midnight. Anyone….??

  10. Karl Phillips Avatar
    Karl Phillips

    Alan – I need to talk to you or get an e mail address for you. Randy is right here on this site !!!! Randy and I speak quite often. I think I have some airtime of Brother Love too !! karl.phillips@ricoh-usa.com

  11. Hi Brother, Randy and weese-wise! LOL You guys were great to work with back in the heyday day of
    personality radio. I guess we didn’t realize how good Quixie was until it was gone. Wow, what memories.

    1. Lynne hall preminger Avatar
      Lynne hall preminger

      Remember your secretary/community service director? I still have copies of the newsletter that you mostly wrote…..you were pretty darn clever. I have photo of The Mighty Thau promo too, taken by Charles dowdy. Those were great days. I’m not quite that skinny anymore.

      Lynne hall vigodsky preminger”……………not a good air name right?.

  12. Michael Matson Avatar
    Michael Matson

    Lake 102 Lake Lanier Buford GA wow what a ghost from the past .At the time I was at a juggernaut in Atlanta and we all laugh about how bad it was.What ever happen to the station is it still on the air or is it Taco Bell Spanish radio and no I’m not talking about the Mexican phone company

  13. Dan Clancy Avatar
    Dan Clancy

    I am doing a documentary on Randy Robins and his days in radio and an era gone by.
    I need any sound checks MP3’s or anything else that you good folks may have. I will be in North Georgia filming Randy March 7th-12th if you have any ideas or contributions or stories that you would like to share my email me at danielclancy73@gmail.com.

  14. Randy Robins are you the same Jock that use to be known as Sweet Randy at KLIF 1190 in Dallas, Texas? If so Robin Hood Brians, John Bass and Myself Ron Tyler from Tyler, Texas said hello. PLease go to my web site at //www.afproductionsonline and get the phone number and give me a call sometime if your the sa,e guy. When you were at KLIF those were the godd old days.

    Your Friend/ Ron Tyler-Tyler, Texas

  15. Robert Becker Avatar
    Robert Becker

    Wow, Randy sounds exactly like he did when I listened to him at KIMN radio in Denver!
    God bless you and thanks for being there in my teen years in the 70’s!

    Bob in Colorado

  16. Bill Thrasher Avatar
    Bill Thrasher

    I was at WVLD Valdosta at the time and about to go in the Army. I had the private control room number for WQXI and Randy answered the phone. I told him that I wanted to do weekends (fill in) there and how should I go about it. Well, the first thing he told me was I sounded like “Rick E. Radio” and I needed to lose that. Well, I did and got a pretty good job at KFJZ Ft Worth on weekends. Then, got shipped back to Ft Benning later on and did a couple of weekends on Quixie before the Army sent me away again. Big R, that little piece of advice really helped, and I really listened. Hope you are doing well.

  17. Bill Butler Avatar
    Bill Butler

    I have some tape of Randy Robbins on WXLW Indianapolis to post / about 1973 – is it the same deep-voiced dude? New song was “Tie a Yellow Ribbon”

  18. Karl Phillips Avatar
    Karl Phillips

    I am a close friend to Randy and to my knowledge he never worked at any station in Indianapolis.

    Karl Phillips

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