Sample, KLLC “Alice 97.3” San Francisco | April 26, 1998

97.3 San Francisco, KLLC, Alice

Proof that radio rapidly cut staffs and costs after consolidation took hold is evident, not so much in this STATION, as the FORMAT. Alice is, apparently, jockless in this 6 1/2 minute scope of a 90 minute cassette side. KLLC is, in 1998, Modern AC (kind of a softer, Pop Alternative format) and rather quiet, with the exception of Alice imaging inserted every other song or so.

Good or not? You be the judge. This station is, after all, all about the music and not personalities, so perhaps listeners enjoyed it.

KLLC Alice 97.3 San Francisco


  1. I remember when stations started calling themselves people’s names. Bob, Jack.
    I never cared for that at all.

  2. CalRadioPD

    What was the point of leaving the commercials intact in a scope so short? And without knowing the day or daypart, who knows whether the jockless thing was representative of what “Alice” sounded like most of the time?

    Anyway, “Alice” was just kind of so-so when this was recorded…17th place with a 2.4 in the spring 1998 Arbitrons.

    19 years later, though, “Alice” is doing very nicely…#5 with a 3.8 in the February ’17 Arbitrons, and #3 among music stations.

    • The point is the commercials add some to the historic nature of the recording. YOU may not think so, being older than dirt like myself, but when millenials listen in another twenty years it’ll be an ‘o-wow’ moment. Besides that, there was little left of the recording scoped down, and not having any other recordings of Alice, at least I was able to put a sample of this station up. Now, if you have a BETTER recording that you’d like to submit, I’ll be happy to replace this one with a good one.

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