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WBZ NewsRadio 1030 Boston Retrospective | Spring, 1993, Part 1
1993 doesn’t seem so long ago. Your founder was still in the U.S. Navy. Gary LaPierre was still the morning news anchor, and Dave Maynard was still heard on WBZ, albeit in a much lesser role than before the station flipped to All-News a year or so before this aircheck was made.
What follows is a very long aircheck which was recorded on a Maxell C-120 cassette tape. Because of the length, this is going to post in two parts, each slightly more than an hour long.
Longtime fans of this website may remember the old “Boston Radio Archives”. The site is still around, maintained, somewhat, by Garrett Wollman, Donna Halper and Scott Fybush, but back when web browsing was in its infancy, circa the mid-1990s, the Boston Radio Archives was a big deal to a fan of old radio stations! Back around 1995 or so, I got my first ‘independent’, sort of, interntet connection. Which is to say, It wasn’t AOL or Prodigy nor was it a dialup connection where I logged into a DOS based bulletin board. When I found the Archives, I found myself totally captivated by the sheer number of articles that were posted, even then. There were some audio files there as well, but most all of those were just quick Top of the Hour legal ID’s of stations in the New England Region.
This is important to mention because, it was my first introduction to the writing skills of Scott Fybush. The Boston Radio Archives were one of his very first internet based radio projects and he had my full attention as he wrote articles about just about all the major New England stations. Later, Scott and I would become colleagues of sorts, working on a few projects together.
This aircheck doesn’t contain any old WBZ airchecks of it’s Rock n Roll format in the 1960s, but it DOES feature a lot of the old WBZ jingles that aired during the 1960s and 70s. This is primarily an interview program on the late David Brudnoy’s show.
Appearing in no particular order here in Part 1:
Arnold Gould – WBZ News Anchor
David Brudnoy – Host
Don Kent – Guest
Scott Fybush – Guest
Dave Maynard – Guest
Gary LaPierre – Guest
Alan Derry – Guest
Jay Dunn – Guest
This aircheck is old enough now that most of the people featured here are deceased. Scott Fybush is, of course, alive and well in the Rochester NY area where he owns and operates I don’t know the status of Alan Derry or Jay Dunn, but the rest all passed within the last several years.
The audio quality of this tape is simply outstanding. There is very little white noise and almost no tape hiss present, and that’s without any noise reduction whatsoever on our part. This appears to have been recorded on a fairly widebanded AM receiver, and pre-HD Radio, pre-PPM encoder the signal is clean and noise free. It really doesn’t get much better than this, especially when it comes to AM radio station recordings.
Audio-Only – Click the player ABOVE
View this aircheck from our official YouTube Channel ABOVE.
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