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Election Parody: 1996 Presidential Debate, 103.7 KOUL Corpus Christi Tx

103.7 Corpus Christi, Rockport, Sinton, KOUL
Each election cycle, I like to re-post this big of election parody done for the 1996 Presidential Election. Since I noticed an error in the streaming file, I thought I’d fix that and post it again so you can give it a fresh listen!

Actually, all this was from a Newsman whose talent was noticed by RKO general, way back in the big days of the Disco Duck era, as Rick Dees‘ sidekick at WHBQ Memphis.

This is the “Doc & McKeever morning show on KOUL. At the time, “Cool 103” was the leading Country station in South Texas. Steve Weldon and I talked a lot back then, and before I left for different parts, Steve handed me this tape and said, “I hope you get some laughs from this”. I’m sure he never thought this would end up in a museum.

Appearing in no particular order, the characters of Ross Perot, Bob Dole, Al Gore, former President Bill Clinton and even Jennifer Flowers…

Note: After searching the web for many years, the internet finally gave up the information I was looking for. Sadly, Terrence McKeever apparently passed away around or before 2013. I could find no other details surrounding his passing. Steve Weldon, at last report, was living in California. I was so very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with both of these wonderful men.

View this from our official “AIRCHEXX CLASSIC RADIO” YouTube Channel


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