100.3 Rapid City

Jackie Rush, 100.3 KGGG Rapid City SD | August 5, 1992

Mt. Rushmore

Rapid City, not being a major market, did have stations with a major market sound to them. You’ll really enjoy hearing Jackie Rush, who sounds warm and loveable! This aircheck came to us on a C-90 cassette. We got it unscoped, but scoped down for presentation here, this runs 11:05 in our custom player (below)



This was recorded about three years before format changes, first to Oldies, then, to it’s current Classic Rock incarnation as KFXS “The Fox”. “Hit 100 FM”, as it was known at the time of this recording, featured live jocks and a fairly tight format, using Jam’s “Z-World” jingle package, with custom sings for Hit 100.

More information about KGGG Rapid City is available at the station owner’s website. We can find no logo anywhere for this station, despite an exhaustive search, so if someone out there has a bumper sticker and would like to scan it, we’d love to post it with this aircheck.

As always, listener comments are welcome.


23 responses to “Jackie Rush, 100.3 KGGG Rapid City SD | August 5, 1992”

  1. Christopher Avatar

    I moved to Rapid City SD in April of 1992, only listen to this radio station for almost 2 years. HIT100FM went off the air as a Top40 station on Midnight of January 5th of 1994. The first format change was bizzare, it was changed to 24hour Louie Louie station ‘Louie 100.3’ (oh dear, NO!!!). The by Mid 1994 it was turned into Oldies 100.3FM, then Classic Rock The Fox (KFXS) later in 1995. Two of the DJs from the original Breakfast Flakes program from 1985-1990 (Randy McDaniels and Tom Collins ended up doing mornings on Fox 100.3

    Michael Steele (was a DJ on HIT100FM, before becoming a music consultant for Rick Dees weekly Top40. He worked at HIT100 between January 1990 to June 1992.

    I don’t have any logos of HIT100FM, I wish I could find something that deals with HIT100, including a broadcast from May 28th 1993, and November Thanksgiving broadcasts. The opening of Rushmore 7, and the last ‘Breakfast Flakes’ morning gig.

  2. Chris Livingston Avatar
    Chris Livingston

    To update my previous comment, before anyone replies, my email account on my previous commnt on HIT100 has been hacked, so do not reply to it. Reply to this message.

    Now, on to the clip itself. The songs that aired here is

    U2 “One”
    Celine Dion “Nothing Broken But My Heart”
    Lou Gramm “Just Between You And Me”
    Rod Stewart “Broken Arrow”
    Bryan Adams “Do I Have to Say the Words”
    Mr Big “To Be with You”
    The B-52s “Good Stuff”
    Kenny Loggins “Danger Zone”(from ‘Top Gun’)
    Richard Marx “Take This Heart”
    Steve Winwood “The Finer Things”

    Does anybody have broadcast of HIT100FM,Sunny 101 KEZV-FM (now KDDX X-Rock), and Magic 93.9 KKMK recorded on May 28th 1993?

    How about Thanksgivving

  3. DaveinTulsa Avatar

    cool. I was doing 7-midnight at Hit 100 when this aircheck was made. That’s Dan Kieley’s wife, Jackie doing mid-days. Big Dan did PM drive and I was on 7-midnight as “Bobby Wild”. That was just about the most fun I’ve ever had on the radio. Too bad they blew up an awesome radio station like that.

    1. Christopher Livingston Avatar
      Christopher Livingston

      I wouls love to hear about the behind-the-scenes at HIT100. Not to long after they killed HIT100, in 1996, I became,friends with Charlie Douglas at KKMK. Iwanted to be a Top40 DJ at HIT100, but the death of the station, killed my dream. I am doing a novel that takes place at HIT100, but I am not going to publish it. But, it hard to get in cotact with many of the DJ, and forgot the names of the ‘breakfast flakes’ DJs.

      I wasn’t to happy with the death of HIT100FM.

      The central character is a fictional DJ by the name of ‘Chris Da hitman’, in my novel.

      In those days, music wasn’t available as downloads (over the internet). HDTV was a fantasy (but available in Japan). There was no iphones, no bluray discs, no DVDs.
      There was only VHS and laserdisc.

      1. If you are truly interested in finding out about the “behind the scenes” stories of Hit 100 FM, then I can help you. I went to work there in the fall of 1985 and left in 1991. I have been back twice after it became The Fox to work with Randy McDaniel and the “Mess in the Morning” show and came back a second time to do afternoon drive on 100.3 The Fox for 5 years after the format changes. I have worked with Randy McDaniel and Tom Collins “The Breakfast Flakes” for many years. Back then we had John Austin with “Checkin In” at night and guys like Kurt Hartog, Scott Souhrada, Steve Ryan and “the Ryan Express”, Michael Vincent, Charlie O Douglas, Scott Greely, Claire Carver, Mike Valdez, Jennifer Lynn, and many many others. We all have kept in touch for the most part and I know where almost everybody is now. Hit 100 FM was one of the greatest stations ever as far as I am concerned. Steve Ryan “Uncle Nasty” who used to do nights there with me is now on the KLOVE Radio Network out of Rocklin California as Scott Smith (his real name)on over 400 radio stations worldwide and 6 million listeners every day. He will still tell me those were the best times he ever had! If you need to know more hit me up at jwarinner@satx.rr.com. Oh, and to whoever wanted the Hit 100 FM bumper stickers…I have a ton of them as well as the multi-colored Hit 100 FM stickers (which were sponsored by Burger King) I also have the KIMM and KG100 “Best Pair” Bumper stickers BEFORE Hit 100 FM ever went on the air with the CHR format (which was consulted by E. Alvin Davis and Associates). And the opening of Rushmore 7….we were there. Good times man…good times!!

  4. Chris Livingston Avatar
    Chris Livingston

    Any DJs from HIT100 should contact me at

  5. Chris Livingston Avatar
    Chris Livingston

    I have a question for the DJs of former HIT100.

    Which syndicated countdown show did HIT100 air Rick Dees’ Weekly Top40 or American Top 40?

    Now, if you remember Shadoe Stevens was related to the Ingstad’s who bought HIT100 in 1984/85. But I am confused on which one HIT100 actully aired.

    1. AT40. First with Casey, then with Shaddoe.

      I babysat it in the studio for a year before moving to full time overnights in the late 80s.

  6. For accuracy’s sake, the jingles are actually from two different packages: “Turbo Z” and “Skywave” from JAM. “Z World” cuts are not on this aircheck.

  7. HIT100 KGGG 100.3FM, was without question, one of the best 1980s FM stations there was. So much talent, and in a small Midwestern market is rare, but from 1984 thru 1992 it was a powerhouse. I know what it takes to make it in a major market, and those guys had it. I would not be surprised if 8 out of every 10 people living in the Rapid City area during that time listened to HIT100FM, and ONLY HIT100FM. in particular, Jack Warinner and Scott Smith ( Steve Ryan on air) were natural radio talent. They had the voice, and the intelligence and humor, with the perfect timing that it takes others years and years of practice to obtain. It was just natural and easy for them. They, along with the other great voices of HIT100, kept all their listeners happy and tuned in by keeping a powerful flow of great top 40 music with just enough talk to keep it fresh and interesting. In the 1970s, KKLS was the main rock station in the area, and they were good for the times, but they were AM, and as the 70s came to a close, FM was taking over, and KGGG 100.3FM – HIT100 was at the right place at the right time. I was born and raised in Rapid City, and lived there until I was 26 and I decided I was done dealing with the cold and wind/snow/ice, and moved to the Gulf beaches of south western Florida. That was 1991, so I do not know what happened after that. One of those great HIT100 voices was that of a great friend of mine, but even with all the devices we have today, it is hard to keep in touch over time and miles. But I am sure of this, if he is on the air, he is at the top of the ratings for the area he covers for sure! However, he is also a natural pilot, and as his Father was a Captain with Republic /NorthWest Airlines for many years, so he may be with one of the airlines. HIT100FM. God, what a great station, in a great place, and an awesome memory. and by the way, they played the American Top 40 with Casey Kasem Sundays starting in mid-morning, like around 0900am I think. I am sure of all info except for the actual time it started, but it was midmornings on Sunday.

    1. Randy McDaniel Avatar
      Randy McDaniel

      Cal, Randy McDaniel here, my friend Tom Collins and I were the original ‘Breakfast Flakes’ on Hit 100 in RC from 1985-1990. And I agree, that was one great radio station back in the day. Doing Top 40 mornings there are a true highlight of my (now) 40+ year radio career! Magic happened thanks to a lot of great on-air people.

  8. Christoher Livingston Avatar
    Christoher Livingston

    Depressing, truly HIT100 has been off the air 20 years and nearly four months.

    1. Time goes by too fast. We had no idea how lucky we were, how great those times were. You can not go back, but it is nice to have such great memories. I remember helping my friend ( John Warinner, or Jack as is his on air name) do remotes from the video rental store! A VHS video rental store! I even remember having to rent the player to watch them on! Those things were huge and weighed tons it seemed like. When I visited last summer (2013) the station was playing 1970-1990s top 40 hits, but there were no real or interesting voices…the music was good, but it all seemed so flat without a voice with a personality. Guess I am stuck with my memories, and I am fine with that, they are awesome memories!

  9. /\ /\ just like the area now… No personality

  10. Randy McDaniel Avatar
    Randy McDaniel

    Just bumped into this website…This is Randy McDaniel, one of the original ‘Breakfast Flakes’ along with my Top 40 Soul Brother Tom Collins. From 1985-1990 we did the show and Hit 100 was a phenomenon, truly a major market sound in the Black Hills. We had an incredible staff and one helluva lot of fun. Lightning strikes occasionally and it did in those years. Arbitron ratings were off the charts, #1 in all demo’s and in certain demo’s more audience than all other stations in the Mkt combined. Ingstad owned it, Ron Hansen managed it and we took off…some of the most talented people I’ve ever worked with and so damn much fun….we didn’t follow the ‘standard radio rules’ so we weren’t ‘cookie cutter’ like so many stations.If you have talented people, let them be creative, that’s what you get. Great memories!

    1. Wish I still had your “mess in the morning mug” from KIMM. I won it by answering what state was John Anderson from. Do you happen to know whatever happened to Bill Robinson or Lee Shannon?

  11. I was one of the last DJs on Hit 100 in 1994. I worked the PM drive and overnights as Tim Austin. Still trying to find some fellow DJ friends from the station Michelle “Meyers” Campbell. Great times.

  12. Christopher Livingston Avatar
    Christopher Livingston

    I have a new email address separate from Top40retrogeek@hotmail.com

    former listener

  13. Hit 100 and BIG KiMM country bring back so many great memories. First time (quite possibly the only time) I ever won anything off the radio station was a Randy McDaniel “mess in the morning” mug from KIMM. The breakfast flakes were funny as hell, not to mention all they good they did with their radio-a-thon for Naomi. I actually ran into Tom Collins in Sioux Falls. He mentioned that he is retired and volunteers as a valet at SF speciality hospital.

  14. Hit 100 was where my radio career began, and 28 years later…I still haven’t forgiven it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    A great bunch of people, a great place to learn the ropes from people like Jack and Michael Vincent and Tim and the Breakfast Flakes.

  15. Christopher Livingston Avatar
    Christopher Livingston

    We are approaching the 25th anniversary of this recording this Saturday. “Nothing Broken But My Heart” has a new meaning.

  16. Michael Bell Avatar
    Michael Bell

    What ever happened to the funny promos the Breakfast Flakes used(Tom Brokejaw, wake up you sleepyhead, etc)?

  17. This set of broadcasts was aired during the newstand publication of Marvel’s Infinity War. I remember reading issue #3 and awaiting #4 to hit the local news stands. I lived out at Ellsworth AFB, and went to the local Shopette to buy the issues. This broadcast brings back some nice memories. Thanks for sharing!

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