Introducing The Greaseman (Doug Tract), 1460 WAXC Rochester | 1972

The Greaseman
Image courtesy of Pure Rock US – America’s Pure Rock

“You’d better have strong woofers & tweeters!”

The beginnings of someone the world would come to know as the Greaseman. You hear the beginnings of a whirlwind career that would start here and reach the heights of the nation’s Capitol (at WRC and WWDC-FM “DC-101”) before moving into national syndication and then a spectacular fall from grace.

Contributor Steve Bleecker goes on to describe:

The Greaseman ! “You better have Strong Woofers & Tweeters” … Well, here’s the guy who WAS all the Talk! He Talked it…He Walked it…. right out of WAXC’s Front Door, to WRC, Washington DC! Again…a Huge Tribute to Larry White, Program Director. It’s quite amazing to hear this aircheck of “Grease”, as Larry had him on from, like 10 PM -2 in the morning! Of course, wouldn’t be long before he OWNED the Morning…Drive in DC !!

Yes…History was being made at WAXC Late Nites…and you’ll hear a too brief “piece of it”, Right Here !

Unfortunately, this is so short that we only hear two breaks… but its all the unmistakable, total uniqueness that is Grease!