Sample: 96.1 WBBB Raleigh NC | March 24, 2004

96.1 Raleigh WBBB 96 Rock

Date of Recording: 03.24.2004
Station: 96.1 WBBB (WNAO-FM/WKIX-FM/WYYD/WYLT/WKIX-FM) Raleigh, North Caorlina, USA
Format: Active Rock
Featured Air Personality: None
Contributor: Anonymous
Airchexx Entry: 1,497


From the personality oriented stations of the 1960s to the automated rockers of the last decade, we post the best and worst that radio has to offer. Here we have an active rock station which no longer exists. From 2004, we’re treated to 5:15 of station sweepers and samples of the station’s playlist. And, yes, that’s all there is, because 96 Rock was apparently jockless during the 12-5am time period, if not longer.

This may well have been your favorite rock station. Or, it’s yet another example of lifeless jukeboxes which populate the FM frequency from coast to coast. Rather than give our opinion, we’ll leave that up to you, our site visitors. Post your comments below.