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1300 Fresno KYNO

The Real Pete McNeil on KYNO Fresno | 1966

Here’s a suspiciously knockoff sounding Pete McNeil on KYNO Fresno. Interesting that he’s known as The Real Paul McNeil, while in Los Angeles, The Real Don Steele was on 93/KHJ.
KYNO was owned by Eugene Chenault. Prior to 1965, Bill Drake was the programmer here, and his “Boss Radio” format was tested first at KYNO before he imported it to KHJ and other RKO/General-owned stations. By the time of this aircheck, the ‘Drake’ sound was already heard in San Francisco at 610 KFRC, Los Angeles at KHJ and here, as well as KGB San Diego and some others.


3 responses to “The Real Pete McNeil on KYNO Fresno | 1966”

  1. This is definitely from 1966, per the PSA for the high school class of 1956’s 10 year reunion. And from the songs and their rankings (when mentioned) I would put the approximate time frame late May or early June.

  2. It’s The Real PETE McNeal…not Paul…as noted by Bill Drake himself and then Pete within the first 10 seconds of the aircheck.

    Pete later went to KYA and KHJ, then back to KYNO before leaving radio altogether in 1972.

  3. My Dad Nat Stevens aka John David Barry worked at KYNO with Pete McNeil in 1966. He did middays as well as production for the station. I was only 10 years old, but I got the radio bug and followed my Dad into the business. He became the legendary program director of 55 KOY in Phoenix for 13 years. Thanks so much for this great aircheck.

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