July 4th Airchexx Special – Jingle Montage Remastered 2007

First posted back in October of 2004 on this site, the original jingle montage ran 31 minutes and was in Real Audio format. I turned this into the July 4th Special for our 7/4/2007 update.

Specifically highlighted are jingles from various sources including collector Joe Tedd from Long Island, several JAM Creative Productions packages (which I purchased), and various contributors over the years. Make note of some great, some OBSCURE cuts from WCBS-FM, WABC, WLS, WNBC, WNOK, WAKY and a boatload of individual cuts dropped in from other markets you haven’t heard jingles from in a long, long time!

This special is for the jingle lover… and the radio lover. I do say a few words, but mainly stay out of the way of this ‘aircheck’… if you can call it that.

Please… LISTEN, and enjoy this fantastic jingle montage that runs about 55 minutes long. Thats long enough to put on in the background while doing the household chores!

…Steve West

WCBS-FMMusicRadio 77 WABC89 WLS


13 responses to “July 4th Airchexx Special – Jingle Montage Remastered 2007”

  1. Loved the processing on the jingle montage. May I ask what you used?

    Hope you post more!

  2. Francis Anthony Melero Avatar
    Francis Anthony Melero

    Wonderfully executed Steve, Bravo!!!
    Thanks for keeping our passion alive.

  3. michel chartier Avatar
    michel chartier

    Like you said it ear candy

  4. tONY c Avatar
    tONY c

    Great assortment of Jingles Keep up the great work

    Tony C

  5. JOE FERACO Avatar


  6. jim birtch Avatar
    jim birtch

    hi steve thanks for the great jingle montage, any more coming anytime soon. jb

  7. Yes Jim, As soon as I unpack the boxes up here at my new residence I’ll start work on the next one. I have a bunch of new, different jingles obtained since this one was done the first time… so everyone hang on. Probably do one by the end of the Summer!


  8. Great montage!!

    Anymore of the WLS rewind coming?

  9. Bob Smart Avatar
    Bob Smart

    As I’m listening to WABC’s bumpers, I can’t help but think this where the Jack outlet here in Metro NYC got the idea for some of their promo inventory. Now that the fader seems to be heading south on Jack NYC, I hope some of that history is captured. Although I’m glad some of the best in the industry will probably get their job back at WCBS-FM, I’m really going to miss the trainwreck format……

  10. Bob Smart Avatar
    Bob Smart

    The Daughtry Double Shot transitioned with a classic WABC bumper was absolutely classic radio. Fantastic! Sent chills up and down my spine. The perfect marriage on now and then. What a way to end your retrospective. Thank you Steve!

  11. Fantastic!

    You sound like a DJ I knew in the past named Larry Mars, but more experienced.

    This was very unique- More!


    1. Larry Mars… Well, Susan, The only DJ I ever heard with that name I last heard on an old Country station in the late 80s in Suffolk, VA. WSKX – ‘Kix 106’. Or was it WKEZ 94.1 in Yorktown? Anyway, I am not he and vice-versa. But thanks for the compliment! ๐Ÿ™‚


  12. Congrats Steve on your blood sweat and no doubt tears in putting together this website, i recently launched my own dedicated to Australian radio airchecks site, here’s the link if you feel like checking it out //www.theradioantenna.com/
    it’s hard work i know just spent this arvo looking for gold on another old cassette some of them just won’t play anymore

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