105.9 Miami Fort Lauderdale WBGG Big

A Sample of 105.9 WBGG Fort Lauderdale | March 25, 2004

Fort Lauderdale
Aerial view of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
While this is not a long aircheck by any stretch, it does afford the listener a good idea of how your typical Classic Rock station in the early 2000s sounded. This was just 2004, and a full 8 years after Telcom ’96 the Classic Rock format is still live. Or, at least it sounds live.

This was from a night show, recorded between 8:40 and 9:25 pm. The actual aircheck, once it was telescoped and the ten minute commercial breaks edited out, only runs four and a half minutes.
The jock says his name, but it’s not important. There’s white noise on the recording. That is likely because it was recorded on the fringe of the signal. You can faintly hear something else in the background.

The programming feature, “Get the Led out” was a familiar 9 pm edition at many Classic Rock stations in North America. Both American and Canadian Rock stations did a Led Zeppelin feature for nearly two decades. Yeah. It got old, but some of us old guys still like it.


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