Frequently Asked Questions


Here is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):

Updated 04/24/2021

Q: What is AIRCHEXX?

A: Airchexx is an online museum of classic radio recordings. It is a resource intended for education and entertainment for all ages. “Airchexx” is a brand-name which points to // It may also, in some cases, point to // or //, or even // All variations of the same web address point to the same server containing identical content.

Q: Do you trade airchecks?

A: No. Except for in rare instances, we don’t trade out our audio files. Our “trade” is posting airchecks online in streaming media form to share with everyone.

Q: Do I have to register to listen to airchecks?

A: No. It is free to listen to all of our audio, however, registration is provided so that members can be notified of new posts.

Q: Is your site only about top 40 radio stations?

A: Definitely not! We present all different kinds of formats, from Country to Rock to R&B to News. We also are not just limited to American radio. We’ll post anything of historical significance, providing it meets certain guidelines.

Q: Is Airchexx on social media?

A: Yes. Airchexx is on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We also have an official YouTube Channel called “Airchexx Classic Radio“. Click those links to be brought to the official social media pages.

Q: How can I contribute an aircheck to your collection?

A: Contact us via email. You’ll get an email in return telling you where to mail your materials. Mailed recordings should be original cassettes or reels, or audio/mp3 CDs. If you prefer, you may email a recording utilizing a file sending service, or directly, file size permitting. We require emailed submissions to be mp3 files encoded at 128k/44.1 or higher qualities. Contact us for more information.

Q: What software do I need in order to listen to these airchecks?

A: The short answer is, nothing special.  Visitors using Windows 7 have generally no issues, and most users of the up-to-date Windows 10 operating system have few issues with the play button.  Windows 8x users… I pity you LOL.  No, really. there were some issues with Win 8 that nobody seemed to be able to fix.  Hopefully you’re one of the lucky ones, or ditched it for the full Windows 10.  Of course, all functions of work perfectly in Apple machines.  Good luck to you and if you have any issues, email me.

Q: Where can I post my comments, If I wish to?

A: We have a ‘comment’ feature integrated with each post. Click the link at the bottom right of the post, which will say either(# of) comments, or ‘no comments’. This same link will lead to the page with all comments already posted so you can read what others have said about that aircheck. There are also other forums that you can discuss our airchecks. We’re on Facebook ( and Twitter, and The Classic Radio Board, at is still available. The former Classicairchecks Yahoo group has been discontinued. I need to add to this, receintly there’s been a lot of hatred out there for lack of a better word. Don’t be a statistic. I WILL and DO delete inappropriate comments in the admin area. so save yourself the trouble and keep our converstations relative to the aircheck you’re commenting on.

Q: Do I need a broadband connection to listen?

A: Most of our archived airchecks encoded prior to 2006 were made to accomodate dialup users. Given the widespread use of broadband, and our desire to provide the highest quality recordings which sound as closely as possible to the original broadcast, a broadband connection is highly recommended, especially for all airchecks posted from January 2007 to present.

Q: Do you provide any airchecks for download?

A: Airchexx policy is to not allow downloading of our archived material.

Q: Can I link one of your airchecks to my website?

A: You may link to the post link on this site. The post link is the link contained in the title of the aircheck presentation. Please do not link to the actual audio file.

Q: Why are all of your airchecks ‘scoped’?

A: Current copyright rules regarding the streaming of music prohibit us from presenting full-lenth airchecks. We do not posess a music license, therefore, all of our material is telescoped. That is to say, the music and ‘offending’ copyrighted material removed from each recording prior to posting on We apologize for this inconvenience. If, at some future time, rules regarding the streaming of full length songs are relaxed, or we are able to pay royalty fees, we shall begin posting full length airchecks.

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