610 San Francisco, KFRC

Composite: 610 KFRC – Billboard Radio Competition Winners 1980

So, you’re a KFRC fan? RKO fan? If you haven’t heard this composite, you ain’t heard nothin’ yet!

This came as part of a cassette I got from Earle Augustus from the late WJZN Memphis (and now at U-92 Jazz). No wonder it won the competition!

Program Director Gerry Cagle must have had no time for a life – spending his days tweaking the sound that was San Francisco. I’ve read where KFRC was still the number one station in the city – partly due to the fabulous programming, and partly due to topography. In 1980, manufacturers still hadn’t figured out how to make car FM receivers which were less sensitive to the picketfencing effects of high power signals bouncing off the mountains & hills surrounding the city by the bay.. so KFRC reigned supreme as an AM top 40 powerhouse long after AM’s in other cities had given up.

Enough technical stuff. Who is on this aircheck? Well, a generous helping of Dr. Don Rose. Rick Shaw. Mike Novack. Mark McKay. Bill Lee (if you only advance to this part of the composite you’ll be rewarded!!) and Candi Chamberlain.

Do yourself a favor take 9 minutes and 48 seconds out of your busy day to hear how this station sounded in 1980 and see if it isn’t head and shoulders better than ANY radio station in America today.

610 San Francisco, KFRC


9 responses to “Composite: 610 KFRC – Billboard Radio Competition Winners 1980”

  1. Henry M Doelger Avatar
    Henry M Doelger

    I would love to some how bring back the 60’s 70’s and early 80’s with Dr Don Rose on KFRC 610 Am San Francisco. He was the man***** But as far as now KFRC SUCKS NOW. Can someone who has copys of Dr Don Rose on Tape so I can buy them. I love Dr Don Rose, Please if anyone has re recording of him I’d pay to bring back the that radio station.

  2. Beverly Bryant Avatar
    Beverly Bryant

    It’s sad but both Dr. Don Rose and KFRC AM are both gone now. The AM station has been sold.

    I have such fond memories of Dr. Don from the seventies when I was a teenager. I met him once at a local shopping mall and got his autograph. Wish I still had it now!

  3. Lee Leonard Avatar
    Lee Leonard

    I’ve listened to all the greats on KFRC and only KGO radio was the only other station where people can name off the talent by name and their time slots. Even the part time talent on 610 were immediatley remembered. When KGO’s new owners make the News format go away no one will remember whose on the line up on any other bay area station. Lee Leonard Sportstalk Radio

  4. The Doctor is gone ? AWWWWWWW !! He was my favorite DJ on KFRC. Dang. Crud. Sheesh.

  5. Rob Sisco Avatar
    Rob Sisco

    Having “competed” briefly with KFRC in 1980-81 when I was at K-101, I can tell you that you never REALLY competed with KFRC, you were just another station in THEIR market.

    Gerry continued an amazing tradition from the likes of Les Garland and the many programming geniuses who came before him. Every shift, jock, promo, newscast was perfect- always.

    This may have been one of the strongest lineups … Although it was pretty cool to also be around SF to hear Dave Sholin, Harry Nelson, Jack Friday, Bobby Ocean and so many others on 610.

    Finally, if you wanted to understand how KFRC always set the bar for incredible production, you had to know the amazing Ron Hummel…there was, and is, no better production guy on the planet!

  6. Steve Bleecker Avatar
    Steve Bleecker

    Outrageously…. Bad !

    OMG ! Thanks Steve West, and Gerry Cagle…and Mike Novak…and …BILL DRAKE !

  7. The Admiral Avatar
    The Admiral

    Yeah – I never had the pleasure of tuning into this station (would have loved it!) – used to listed to KOME in San Jose when I went to high school in King City – “Dont touch the dial its got KOME on it!” LOL – it was a great station but did not last long – it was album rock free form in the late 70’s. For a great station that STILL plays this format – check this out on your spare time (AM stereo BTW): //streamdb2web.securenetsystems.net/v4/index.cfm?stationCallSign=WXYG&relocateURL=true&p47275815=true
    Great post on this aircheck BTW!

  8. It’s funny I was talking about Dr. Don the other day.
    I worked in radio in Sacramento, and we had a DJ, Rick Chase at one of our stations. Don Roses son helped Rick set up his studio. He told us that Dr. Don got real religious and resented his work on the air so much he destroyed his tapes, so it will be real hard to find one. He was a favorite of mine, but did cross some lines that todays jocks couldn’t think of

  9. Steve Bleecker Avatar
    Steve Bleecker

    Just looked at what I wrote here, previously ! “Bad” as in G-REAT ! Superb Radio !

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