The Big 8 - CKLW!

The Big 8 CKLW!

…”I’d like to say hi to my mother who breast fed me and told me to get into radio…”

If you listen to this closely, you’ll notice that Chuck McKay is returning to CKLW after some time at WLS Chicago (his words). But is this any way to return? He acts like he’s leaving again, and talks about being fired while on the air! This is the classic what not to do in a top 40 format… because the format is trashed 2 minutes into this show!

Personally, I think this is the most hideous performance by an air talent ever heard. I tried looking at this from the perspective of maybe the whole show was a running joke, but then stepping into the role of a listener, this exhibition of conceit is beyond anything else posted on this site or elsewhere. I can just imagine listeners hearing McKay say, “I’m a star” and tuning out, never to return. Was this a joke? Was it intended to get himself fired? Was it some sort of poke at the CKLW Top 40 format? Were drugs or alcohol to blame? I suppose we’ll never know.

No jingles are heard on this recording, but that is about right, since the Drake days have been over at the Big 8 for some time now. McKay does some name-dropping… Byron McGregor, etc… and thanks mom for convincing him to go back to CKLW.


The source tape from which this recording came suffered from dropouts and age. This was originally mastered around 2006 in the early days of this website, and we attempted to make this a bit easier on the ears. It’s not bad, but there are a few spots that we couldn’t completely restore.

View this from our official Airchexx Classic Radio YouTube Channel

By Steve West

Steve West is a 41 year veteran of broadcasting. His air work as a Jock and News Anchor includes six radio markets and over two-dozen radio stations. Steve is the founder of and - All the BIG Hits!

14 thoughts on “Chuck McKay, CKLW Windsor | February 1975”
  1. Yes! big big fan of “the hot ticket!” There is an aircheck on another site that features the performance that got him fired a few hours later. I’m sorry, but this guy cracks me up. It was a pleasant surprise to see him show up on this site. Thanks Steve!

  2. One of the better jocks who graced the airwaves back in the 70’s on “The Big 8”. I think some of the jealous folks who worked on his shift got him canned (phoned the PD). This guy was talented, but you know how it goes in radio, if you’re talented, you get canned, regardless if you’ve got the ratings. (.. as if he cared)

  3. I sure would like to find out where Chuck McKay “Williams” is at today. I have that infamous tape of him as well as one of him at CK using Williams. I listen to these over and over. He was awesome. Best voice ever on the radio!

  4. I was doing nights at KOPA-FM in Phoenix in the early 80’s. Chuck McKay was hired to do mornings (against Jonathon Brandmeier). He used the name Greg Austin during his short stay at KOPA, which was maybe a month. He was fired for unknown reasons.

  5. He was in Miami as Jaz McKay on WIOD, then an entertainment-talk station. His favorite subjects were motorcycles and tittie-bars. He wasn’t there long.

  6. I was in radio for 15 years ion the air and the one thing you don’t do is air dirty laundry in radio, trying to be funny or not. No respect for this guy. He is so in “LOVE” with himself. He isn’t that good.

  7. Surreal stuff. I’d only heard the abridged version of this elsewhere. This is pure kamikaze stuff, with poor Chuck dying a slow painful death by his own hand.

    Love the bit where he says “am I gonna make this radio station some money or what?”

    Chuck, it was the three in the morning, man… more people have heard this aircheck than the original broadcast…

  8. Its terrible………….does have a great voice…………Is he still living or has he gone on to that great radio station in the sky…………………

  9. Those who say this style of radio was totally unknown in the 70’s are wrong.
    Larry Lujack was doing this kind of radio … and very successfully … in Chicago. People copied Larry, including Gary Lockwood in Seattle, and Chuck. Chuck was a talented guy with a great voice. He never stayed anywhere very long. Town to town, up and down the dial. I understand he passed away in Phoenix a few years back. “Let’s cut the rock and roll hocus pocus and get into a spot before I get canned.”

  10. While he was at WLS doing weekends, he stopped in one evening at our college radio station at Loyola University, dressed in a sort of Uncle Sam suit. We got him on the air, and he did an hour or so. I have a tape of that here, and I’ll have to convert it to MP3 and figure out how to get it on here!

  11. I understand he passed away in Phoenix several years back, after a number of years out of radio. He is originally from Kansas City.

  12. Gregory Van Aust Chuck Williams Austin in Boston is my Brother ! I have been searching for him I know our oldest brother James Aust died last year Please if anyone knows where Greg is 6194052801

  13. LMAO you all make me laugh..I’m 70 still on The Air Every Morning 6 days a week doing Classic Hits…These Morons pass cause they do not take care of themselves…no working out, they drink do Drugs screw all this pigs…LOL!!!

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