107.5 Winston Salem WKZL Jack Murphy Terry Murphy

Jack Murphy & Terry Knight, 107.5 WKZL Winston/Salem (Greensboro) NC | 1997

Tape was rolling this particular day as KZL aired The Best Of Murphy In The Morning. Except, Jack Murphy and Terry Knight are actually THERE, playing the best-of clips LIVE. Much of this features a contest of some sort where the audience calls in, and ad-libs to another guy who called in and is playing the harmonica. A quite humorous piece, and probably hilarious to the listeners who caught this show in its entirety!

The station calls itself, “107-5 KZL, The Number 1 Hit Music Station” Modern radio, yes. But also quite old, at 18 years awaiting posting, it’s been gathering dust for a while. Enjoy!

107.5 Winston Salem WKZL Jack Murphy Terry Murphy

Aircheck #1,377 since May 2, 2002!

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One response to “Jack Murphy & Terry Knight, 107.5 WKZL Winston/Salem (Greensboro) NC | 1997”

  1. Gary Kerns Avatar
    Gary Kerns

    Of course, it’s not the same one, but back in the ’60s, there was a jock named Terry Knight at Windsor/Detroit’s CKLW; in fact he had a rock group Terry Knight and the Pack. If I’m not mistaken, he was somehow involved with Grand Funk Raildroad.

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