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Mark & Kim on KOST 103 Los Angeles | July 2, 1986
When this first posted back on December 3, 2007, Kim Amidon had just been let go from KOST. It’s been 12 years since this posted.ย For quite a while, this was the most-streamed aircheck on this website.ย We wondered how listeners would react to hearing this aircheck, from the BEGINNING of the Mark and Kim show all those years ago in the middle of the Summer of 1986. I mean, it WAS a LONG time ago, the year that the ball rolled through Bill Buckner’s feet and allowed the NY Mets to beat the Boston Red Sox in that infamous 1986 World Series. (off topic, now there’s a Bill Buckner doing traffic reports in NYC) Also off topic, speaking of Baseball, that was the last time the Mets won the series… Um, can they even field a winning team these days? We’ll know in a few weeks.
Ok, now that those memories have hit, lets just let the original post fly. The place: Los Angeles. The station: 103.5 KOST “Coast 103.5“. Contributor: Matt Seinberg, owner of Big Apple Airchecks.
To listen, click the BIG BLUE BUTTON Below.
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Original Post:
With all the comments from listeners who really love and miss hearing Kim Amidon on KOST, after her ouster, I thought it would be nice to dig up an aircheck that goes back almost to the beginning. But first, a word from the source.
Mark Wallengren has a few words posted on his blog about Kim, that KOST allowed be printed at the time. Whether it’s sanitized to put a positive spin on a sad occasion, it is up to you to decide… this is CLEAR CHANNEL, after all.
We really can’t post mark’s entire comment on the subject, but I think it’s fair that a few words make it onto this page…
…”She is a remarkable woman and will always remain one of my dearest friends and family members.
We can all speculate and try to wrap our heads around whatever process occurred that concluded that despite all our past and current success her services would no longer be needed. But let us not forget, she broke ground, was feisty, she couldnโt be ignored and is an incredible example to any woman in this business.
Will Kim be o.k.? You bet. Will I be o.k.? Yes. Will the station be o.k.? With your help, absolutely. Will I miss her? What do you think?”
You may read the entire blog by clicking HERE (If it is still available online)
Meantime, while you’re all busy thinking about Kim Amidon, let’s all go back to when it was fresh… at 8:20 scoped, here’s the Mark & Kim Show from 7/2/86
Contributor: Big Apple Airchecks
Comments: Steve West & Mark Wallengren
43 responses to “Mark & Kim on KOST 103 Los Angeles | July 2, 1986”
I miss listening to Kim on the station…it’s not the same without her and I think it’s a shame that she’s not on KOST any longer!
She was worth her weight in gold and her contract should have been renewed! Big Mistake!
Although I love Mark Wallengren I miss Kim terribly. I would drive to work every morning listening to their loving banter and would not go into work until I heard their 7:35 a.m. gossip updates.
I have continued to listen to Mark and I find him very funny but he alone will not be able to keep me as part of his listening audience.
I don’t understand why only one person from their team was fired and why Mark would put up with it.
Didn’t they think they could find another job?I got this aircheck in trade from Safford Black, not John Yanagi. One of the other KOST airchecks coming soon came from John.
I’m sorry Mark, but you mentioning your last name all of a sudden does not erase or cover the pain and hurt I have with Kim gone.
I know it must be painful for you knowing that you are going in and you “wife” of 20+ years is not there. C’mon us kids out here hear it in your voice.
You are not the same.I heard you this morning 12-11-07 you are not the same.
God Bless You, and may you heal from the pain soon.
Hello everyone outhere,
I do miss Kim very much and I can’t continue to call myself a faithful listener of Kost 103.5, because it’s not the same, letting Kim go was a very big mistake and Mark doesn’t even sound the same. I would love to have the station reconsider this decision and bring back our beloved Mark & Kim show.
Thank you for letting me express my opinion and lets hope for the best.I agree even though I think Mark is great it just isn’t the same without Kim. Its too bad a radio station thinks more about their pocket then their listeners. I think this attitude just shows the listeners their loyalty is misplaced.
I have been listening to KOST since day one and listening to Mark and Kim in the morning driving into work was part of my daily route. In July I was dignosed with Cancer and was unable to listen to the morning show for a while but in the last week I was wondering what was going on so I went to the web site to find out that Kim was no longer with the show I was very disappointed. I like Mark but what gets your audiance is the personal and down to earth cast that you had in Mark and Kim. There is no personality to the show any longer and I beleive that the station has made a big mistake.
I will try to find a postive radio station to listen to because the morning gives me a negative feeling now that Kim is gone.
I miss Kim so much. Everything I drive to work and Kim’s voice really syn. with Mark and I enjoyed my mornings like that for years…
Can we bring Kim back?
I set ny alarm for 6 this morning to see who would be subbing for Mark, formerly of mark and KIM fame..It is now 7 and this show is dying a slow, painful death…I think the C squad is filling in and not hacking it at all! If finances were really the cause of Kim’s demise,why didn’t they get rid of some of the intersn???
come on now..can all of the fans be wrong?? Mark sounds so strained, so nervous, so uptight… he is not the same! I love the music but I am about ready to bail….seriously…It is a very sad and wounded station filled with uptight survivor djs who speak like they are being censored, not knowing if their joh is on the line…money is the root of all evil!It’s just another foolish move on Clear Channel’s part. Kim is the best and always will be. Mark and Kim had something original and unique and they remained true to that over the 22 years they were together. KOST in the morning is just not the same without her. Kim’s voice was something magical. I just loved listening to her and Mark. It will be very interesting to see if the ever magical Arbitron rating for the morning show drops. Clear Channel has been making poor choices on an increasing scale.
Please bring Kim back, she is like a family member. I miss her so much and I am VERY resentful of Clear Channel for letting her go. Does anyone know where she might resurface in radio? I would give up KOST in a heartbeat to hear Kim once more. Shame shame on KOST…What a bunch of dummies. I will boycott forever listening to KOST, and I hope everyone who is a fan of Kim Amidon will do the same!
I won’t listen anymore!! I’ve been out of town, just read the OC register, Sunday, 12/30/07, KIM AMIDON, is gone???? I’m so upset!!! I know it means nothing to Clear Channel. But, mark my word there’s so many of us out here that will not listen to your station anymore. And to top it off Mike Nolan was also let go….. ????
Now that the holiday musics are over, I don’t think some of us have a reason to listen to KOST anymore. The morning show can not be compare to Mark & Kim show. CLEAR CHANNEL, wake up and smell the airwave. It’s your lost. Think about it.
(I just found this site, so that’s why I’m such a late poster.) I’ve been moping around for a month now since they let Kim go. Don get me wrong-I love listening to Mark! He is awesome! But I did love the commeraderie they shared, the witty banter, the familial relationship that always shown through. Clear Channel is NOTORIOUS for it’s bad decisions that we have to suffer!
Please KEEP Mark and give Kim back her job! We listeners demand it!I have really tried to remain a loyal listener as I have been the last 15 years. Mark and Kim in the morning helped me start my day in a good mood with their humerous and sometime hysterical banter. Kim is honest and caring, and has a wonderful sense of humor. Now the show is boring. I no longer listen to 103.5 FM. My co-workers feel the same way. I have found another station that helps me face the long day. If anyone knows if Kim Amidon is at another radio station, please let everyone know. I know I will be the first on board. KOST 103.5–SHAME ON YOU!!!!
I was so glad to hear that MIke NOlan is back on KOST, but if they can bring him back…Why can’t they bring Kim back? She MADE the Mark & Kim show. Mark is OK but the show is now so lackluster and boring. Come back, Kim…I will no longer listen to KOST. It is so sad
It feels like forver listening to Mark and Kim.I always love to hear both Mark and Kims’ voices on KOST. The comments they made, the laughters they shared…I feel like I was actually convesing to them myself. That was what most of us audience had felt for more than twenty years. For me, they had been keeping me company during my long drive to work for more than a decade. Just wondering what on earth made the station decided not to keep Kim? We all miss her and would to have her back. The morning show is not the same without Kim. Please bring her back!
I used to listen to KOST years ago – but I was in my teens and thought it was for old people. They played it at work and it seemed like they played the same 5 songs over and over again.
Fast forward 20 years and I started to listen to it with a new appreciation (as well as being a mom which changes your perspective on everything)
With that being said – I am one of those Christmas music fanatics and would actually start a betting pool at work to see when they would start playing the music “Is it before or after Chrismtas?”
So – imagine my surprise when Mark announces that there is no more Kim.
Honestly – it pretty much ruined it for me. It was actually the first time in the last 4 years that I would listen to other stations and play my Christmas CDs instead.
When Mark went on vacation I couldn’t listen to his substitue – I can’t ever remember the poor guy’s name.
So – I have started to listen to KRTH 101. I will only listen to Kost now to see where this all shakes out. I have a feeling this is the beginning of the end.
It was a fantastic ride though – best of luck to both Mark and Kim .. and to the station.
Why do we choose to “fix” things that are not broken?
I miss listening to Mark & Kim. Every morning at the office there they would be, with their stories, Hollywood round-up, behind the songs, etc. Wow! As a quote from a famous movie. “Big Mistake”. I will no longer have the radio tuned to KOST. Apparently somebody high enough up in the chain decided money was more important. I wish Kim the best.
I’ve really been missing Kim in the mornings on my drive down the 405, and after reading all of the above comments I see I am not the only one — I agree with the person who said “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” I can’t understand what the station is thinking. Mark & Kim were so great together – I loved their banter in the mornings – it helped me to get going – and Kim was so pleasant, down to earth and had such a smooth, melodious voice I always liked listening to her. I too think a real mistake was made in letting her go, and nice as Mark is, I just don’t have the same enthusiasm or desire to listen to the show anymore. I wish the best for Kim and hope only better things for her ahead.
There is no more show without Kim.
No more than there was a Lohmann without the Barkley.
They were the show, they brought in a lot of audience.
Mark should watch his limited behind with such a treacherous company.
good luck.
I am very surprised you guys let her go, the show was much more exciting and interesting, not anymore.
I have been ,listening to Mark and Kim since I came and migrated to America in 1990. I actually enjoy Mark more than Kim, but that’s not to say this show can survive with out the other. Letting Kim go was a big mistake and sad to say the show that i have enjoyed since my coming to American is now gone. To show support to Kim I will delete KOST out of my preset stations in my car radio
I said I wouldn’t but I did. i actually gave Kost another chance…a fair chance..and now I am gone. Mark can not handle it without Kim! I now find the show, not only notentertaining but actually boring…That female intern..whatever her name is. sounds really stupid..Whatever Mark says, whether it be funny or not, she laughs..What a phoney laugh it is! Rodrigo has become nothing more than a yes man to Mark..that dumb laugh of whatever her name is.. One day this week, mark began the show and then he was gone…where did he go or was it explanation as to what happened or where he went again came that other dj0 whatever his name is1 ) and he treaded so carefully without any personality as if he were reading a manual on how to be a dj..really poor…again the intern with her phony laughs..bad..annoying..haven’t heard anything about kim…maybe when mark was gone, he too, was having contract negotiations…I think I have lost some respect for Mark…bye Kost…bye Mark…bye laughing dumb girl…and what happened to Rodrigo who has become nothing more than a fall guy for Mark……You listening Kim?
I moved to Utah in Nov and was excited to return for a visit to Torrance to hear my favorite “Mark & Kim” on the radio. When I was told that Kim no longer was part of the team I was floored. I loved Mark and Kim together, they made the day fun. It was great to hear Mark but he just doesnt sound the same. I miss their interaction. Keep Mark and bring Kim back to complete the team
I’ve lived in SoCal for the past twenty-years. My morning commute was accompanied by Mark and Kim. Our office had KOST on from 6:00 to 10:00 every morning. During the (too soon) Christmas music we listened to Charlie Tuna. So, an era ends (or maybe two).
Can anyone tell me what other stations are available that are NOT Clear Channel owned? KOST and KBIG lost 30 listeners with one snip of the Corporate scissors.
I hope that Kost moves to a new location either in Long Beach or Torrance Ca and have Kim Amidon reunite with Mark Wallengren and have the kost 103 and have all the listeners join Mark and Kim during the summer go to different theme parks as well as during the winter and have the kost listeners joim Mark and Kim for breakfast either in the studio or in the new Kost cafe with different musicains like James Blunt, Dr. Phil etc along with Mark and Kim’s children and have it called the Mark and Kim good morning show from 5-12 p.m. mon,-Fri.
I also have given up listening to KOST. What a pathetic group of business executives. I do have a question though. When did they tell Mark his hours would be extended until noon?
It’s me again! I said that I was gone..I listened again..perhaps for any improvement..but NO! Still STRAINED..AGONY ON THE RADIO… an old car being pushed up a hill with not the right it really worth it??? klaudia and that stupid forced laugh..Mark is not the same..I wonder if he reallly still enjoys his job or does he go in jsut to pay the bills? that replacement Haggenbush is pathetic! Hello Kearth..good music…nice banter among the that is a team… Stop that stupid phony laugh is pathetic…radio is not your calling..biggest disappointment is Rodrigo. Run Rodrigo..get off that sinking ship….
I do not listen to KOST anymore. 103.5 was my exclusive station. I listened every morning while in my car. I loved the Mark & Kim Show. Now it seems that even the music has changed. Goodbye. Let me know if Kim comes back…..
I had been an out of state internet listener to KOST for a few years now, and like most people I was crushed at the decisions of Clear Channel to fire two of my three favorite DJโs. The Mark and Kim show was the best and I have since tried to find another station anywhere in the country that compared to them, and so far have found none.
Did Kim or Mike take jobs at other stations in Southern California? If so will please let me know so I can see if the stations they moved to, broadcast on the web. Iโve tried listening to KOST a few times again, and yes Mark is great (he really is) but without Kimโฆโฆ.. Well you know there would have been no Rolls-Royce if one of them wasnโt there to make it what it is. (Does that make sense?).Tell me. How does Mark Wallengren wiggle out of this whole mess without so much as a scratch? I was incensed at Kim Amidon’s being given her walking papers and still am. This is just another blow against women. How did Clear Channel decide if they should fire Kim or Mark? And, no he does not do a better job, but he is male. When Vanna White was going to be fired, Pat Sajak stepped up to the plate and gave his โupperโ echelon people notice that if Vanna goes, he goes. They are still together on Wheelโฆ What kind of a man allows this type of random firing to happen? Why, someone weak like Mark Wallengren, of course. Iโm sure he has made enough money that he really doesnโt have to work but he is truly greedy and I believe he wants the spotlight for himself alone. If they had left together, weโd still be hearing Mark and Kim– maybe on a different station, but who cares? KOST is off my good list and on the other one. I heard about five minutes of the KOST morning show today, and couldnโt believe how silly it was with Mark yelling at Rodrigo and Rodrigo yelling back and some woman piping in here and there, and everyone giggling and being incohesive and silly. I am also enraged at Mike Sakellaredes, who was a great, music-knowledgeable man, and a great host, being cut after 25 years, and Mike Nolan after 20 years. Doesnโt the loyalty of the listeners nor the employees of KOST mean anything to Clear Channel executives? I have removed KOST from my preset channels on all radios, and am going to look up what else is owned or run by Clear Channel. I wonโt listen to any stations or channels affiliated with Clear Channel either. I’d have written months ago, but I thought I’d give the “big wigs” a chance to rehire Kim, Mike, and Mike before venting. I still cannot believe how mindless a decision they made!
I miss the Mark and Kim show. I am still a fan of Mark’s though. I have read some peoples comments getting mad at Mark. I met him once and he was so nice. He acted the same way in person as he does on the radio, so I will always be a big fan of his. I do admit that since kim was fired I have been so mad at clear channel. I only listen to the show every once in a while because it isn’t the same without Kim. I did listen today and there was a new woman on the show. Has anyone heard? Did they announce a replacement for Kim? I think her name was Kristen Cruz. She was actually pretty funny on the show. The show is so much better when a man and a woman do it together. I’m not sure if this woman is going to do the show all the time but she was talking on it like she was Mark’s partner. I have heard Stella and Claudia on there before but they just say things every once in a while. This girl was talking the whole time. I think they said that she is pregnant. Does anyone know where she is from or if she is going to be on there forever. I might start listening again. I have tried to find something else to listen to but I don’t like any other shows, plus I like the music on the KOST.
Well, it’s been a loooooong while since “no Kim” and the show is slowly sinking, regardless of how hard Mark is trying. It was the TWO of them that made the show. Now they have a female who is trying to fill shoes that she could not possible fill. Also, there’s a braying sound when laughter is needed? What’s with that. Are you going for the young kids? The show has lost the edge it had. TOO BAD for KOST. I change stations a lot now. I’ll settle on one soon. BRING HER BACK!!
I can’t get this aircheck to play. I click on it and get an “Airchex” logo…that’s it! What’s going on???
And nobody mentioned it till now. Wow. Its all fixed. Sorry about that, there was an error in the code.
Thanks for fixing it. WOW…just listend…brings back memories. Mark & Kim were on the radio every morning in my house getting ready for school/work. Here’s what I would love to get my hands on: The top of the hour ID/Jingle that KOST used in 1986. It was a very perky/upbeat jingle. I didn’t hear it in this aircheck. I wonder if the person who recorded this aircheck has this ID on that tape or on another tape.
I cannot believe that you people haven’t brought
“Kim” back. The show just isn’t the same without her!!! This new woman that you have on the show is really NOT going to cut it. I hope you bring Kim back or else alot more people will soon be tunning to other stations. Please make KOST feel like home again!! Bring Kim back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know it’s been almost a year… but this whole axe falling (non-renewal) still bugs me. The new girl, Kristin, she’s okay (I suppose). Sometimes I get annoyed with he constant shout-outs to her husband, the firefighter… Sadly, whenever I listen to the show now, I still have “hope” to hear Kim Amidon back on the show. It’s just not the same.
I still hope one day, it’ll be like hearing Ted Ziegenbusch upon his return to KOST. To me, that would be a happier ending/beginning. (I thought to myself, “Yay! Ted ditched ‘The Fish’!”
So I’ll wait patiently for Kim to ditch “…the Pasture…” (as quoted from her MySpace page). that would be my Happy Ending.
I am so sad Kim is not there, WHY? I tryed to see what happened. Guess you have your reasons but I can’t imagine what they could be. I haven’t listened since she went off, but every now and again I turn it on but It just isn’t the same without Kim there. I was shocked when I heard another girls voice on the program. What did Kim do to deserve this, can it be told to us? I for one would like to know. Sincerely, Mary Ellen
I love the traffic stinger here!
My wife and myself started listening to Mark and Kim in 1990, and continued to do so until we moved to Arizona in 2004. I think that I enjoyed listening to Mark and Kim the most while driving. Even to this day, I still miss listening to Mark and Kim and the great music selection.
Today, I went to the internet and keyed in Mark and Kim. I was stunned to discover that an executive decision had been made to release Kim in November of 2007. This is another example of someone in an executive position, who probably has a great deal of education, but who is greatly lacking in common sense. All the education in the world will not impart common sense into an individual. Either you have it or you don’t.
I still really miss Southern California and would love some day for my wife and myself to be able to move back to Southern California. If that should ever happen, not being able to listen to Mark and Kim, will seem like that a little piece of Southern California has been removed and is missing.
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