wnbc logo 1980 2

Gary Bridges, 66 WNBC (Stereo) New York | November, 1985

Gary Bridges was one of a large staff of known personalities, some of whom listeners had grown up with. Personalities such as Don Pardo (the voice of many of WNBC radio and television's promotions), Soupy Sales, who had been around in the 1950s and on television, Imus, who by this time was already an institution and the whole WNBC news department.

EJ (Joe) Crummey Produces and Co-Hosts the Wolfman Jack Show, 66 WNBC New York | February, 1986, Part 1

Listen to how Crummey's banter and production skills make this show sound 100% live, local and relevant. This is quite amazing, especially when one realizes that in the mid-1980s, computer automation was still more than a decade away, and producing a show such as this required precision timing, quick thinking and a lot of cart (tape) machines!