AM 1000 Chicago WCFL The Voice Of Labor John Driscoll Dick & Doug Larry Lujack Federation of Labor WLUP ESPN

Johnny Driscoll, WCFL Chicago | 1976

John DriscollOur newest Contributor looms large among legendary personalities John Driscoll was a popular (not to mention famous) jock in cities like Chicago and Miami, along with a few other places…he currently has his own voiceover website and even has his own archives – check it out at Voiceover America. The link leads to a section of his site called “Yearbook”.

Among the original gems Mr. Driscoll has archived is this just under 3 minute scope featuring Driscoll’s ENORMOUS voice and some classic Super CFL breaks! It begins with WCFL’s Top of the Hour jingle and quickly blows through a few breaks and talkovers. Listening to this, I had to wonder – why didn’t CFL blow WLS out of the water? Identical signals, but a slightly different approach to Top 40 radio – WCFL certainly had a more shotgun approach. Windy City listeners sure loved WLS with its reverb and a bit more personality approach but these two stations were neck and neck and both sounded superb.

While this was labelled from 1974, you’ll hear Driscoll announce that so far in ’76, CFL has given away … in prizes. The other dead ringer (pardon the pun) is Donna Summer’s “Love To Love You Baby” – a 1976 hit. This sounds to have been recorded in January or February of ’76, knowing that later that year, WCFL would flip to Beautiful Music.

What a wonderful time it must have been to be both a listener or a jock and be a part of the radio war that was between the Voice of Labor and the Big 89! This is short but something you’ll really love.

We thank John Driscoll for sharing!

AM 1000 Chicago WCFL The Voice Of Labor John Driscoll Dick & Doug Larry Lujack Federation of Labor


One response to “Johnny Driscoll, WCFL Chicago | 1976”

  1. Bob Buchhauser Avatar
    Bob Buchhauser

    Great aircheck, John. Thanks for sharing. ‘CFL rocked Chi-town. My favorite station, over WLS. If you have the top of the hour ID, please send it my way. Thanks.

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