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QuickChexx: WBAB Babylon, Long Island | 1980

Okay, this one is so short I should call it a ‘lightning check’! Courtesy of Frank Ellsworth, who said he found a 1 minute aircheck and emailed it to us, here’s a short look at the morning show on WBAB “Long Island”, as they ID’d themselves for years. Nick Sarames (one of our esteemed contributors) says this might not be the morning show… listen for youself then read and participate in the comments section. Pat Traverse is the in-studio guest!


2 responses to “QuickChexx: WBAB Babylon, Long Island | 1980”

  1. This was the 7 to Midnight shift. Pat Travers stopped by for a quick interview and it lasted most of the night. This is the only tape I know of for the night.

  2. I am almost positive Bob Buckman did the WBAB morning show at this time.

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