Tim Byrd, 102 WPIX New York | September, 1985

Here’s Tim Byrd, with a fantastic set of pipes! WPIX went through a series of format tweaks and changes in the 10 year period from 1975-1985, and here, it’s very AC, with the likes of Lionel Ritchie and Billy Joel in tight rotation, mixed in with 70s AC hits. Not exactly the Top 40 station Howard Hoffman was once heard on in the 70s.

This really is a great aircheck for a number of reasons. First, it exhibits a mainstream AC station which was so common around the US and Canada during this time. Second, this features two full newscasts and full-length commercials as important historic events in the Big Apple.

Thanks again to Matt @ Big Apple Airchecks for this one!

WPIX 102


7 responses to “Tim Byrd, 102 WPIX New York | September, 1985”

  1. I had a stepfather named Tim Byrd but it was not the same as the DJ. He has a damned good voice, he needs to do some vos! I wonder whatever happened to him

  2. Brenda Avatar

    Had known Tim while he was still in cleveland, did a few promos with him and radio station. One memorable was the demolition derby in Berea, Ohio, the grandstand was out of control. after leaving cleveland, Tim went to New York, DJ for country station, did converse with another DJ. Early eighties I changed channels on cable to see Tim hosting a video program. He looked and sounded the same. After, I lost source. Recently The recording he made came to mind “Nobody wants you when you are down and out,” I still have my personal copy from 1977. Tim did make ebony magazine in the seventies, and with all his talent I invisioned tremendous and great quests in his life. Tim if you should read this, wherever you are some day I hope we meet again, you were my friend. Also, a few pictures would be great of us. I have searched archives of the radio station, all in vain. By the way, is your father still a Baptist minister. Does anyone else have any further information. Brenda

  3. Found Tim Byrd-Byrdman: Tim is presently D.J. for Kool 105.5 Woll radio station in Florida. He is live and I have listened to him on several occassions. Still with the tremendous voice and diction, appearance has changed from the power of the Fever Era: My favorite in the music industry. Tim also has a wife, a ravishing dark haired beauty, his preference, and is successful in every endeavor as he was determined. Through the years having conversed with many, the impact he had made on thousands has remained memorable for Tim truely is an Icon in the city of Cleveland. Thirty years passed, Tim is still “The Byrd” Brenda

  4. While I haven’t known Tim as long as Brenda has, I have had the luck to meet both Tim and the lovely Sally Byrd. I actually met them while they were on their first date, and asked how long they had been together…they looked at me, at each other and chuckled. I said that I asked because they looked so “comfortable” together. That’s when they told me it was their first date! At that point, I said that I better be invited to the wedding! I was, but unfortunately couldn’t make it. Tim is not only doing afternoons at Kool, but he’s also the voice of the Florida Hurricanes hockey team, and is working on some TV projects as well. He’s a classy guy, and a good friend!

  5. Brenda Rooney Avatar
    Brenda Rooney

    Now approaching three years since locating Tim Byrd, I must make declaritive the moment was enlightening to finally have conversed with one bearing Love of Life. The profound happiness displayed, the soveran conversation of today and yesteryear was of sheer delight. In him the joy of youth and laughter still remain as echoed cadences of his soul. His kindred spirit, subtle and leaves the being pure of essence. The kindness, gentleness of his demeanor, the stealth and dynamics of a great man define bring smile upon the man I have known.

    Successes, accomplishments with preservation, gilded by his tenacity and forged by his determination has created a legend.

    Less often, in a Lifetime, can one re-unite with a friend so Dear. Thirty-two years, again, am I honored, to enjoy his Persona and Love of Life. How wonderful the days have been.

    Toujours Amour’ Toi Mon Amie’

  6. Brenda Rooney Avatar
    Brenda Rooney

    As Thoughts Of Yesteryear

    Tim Byrd – Byrdman Where Does One Begin

    Someone Breaking A Breed Apart Of Tradition, was Revolutionary in Design as he took Cleveland embracing it to his Conventionality. Tim Captivated his Listening Audience with a No Release Conformity as he left them with a Hungered Thirst. Having entered the Dieties of Tremendous Popularity, the Battle for Number 1, WIXY 1260 and the ever steadily Power Growth of WGCL G98, Tim with his Innate Abilities Grasped the Brass Ring of Iconic Stature.

    Recalling days of WGCL, the Template of Devotion to his Audience and Love of Passion, the Immense Interaction and Rapport, the Laughter as he danced Tapping his Hands to the Music. The People Adored Him. Regardless and how Remotely Impossible the request of Tim,s Listening audience, he made them all Happen. His Personalization was Signature to his Fans and Friends as they Ranked Notoriously Prioitized in his Life. As the Vinyl became Shelved to the Popularity of Eight Track so did Tim make the Transition as a Stilled Romance Of Era Remained.

    Relentless Compassion did Tim have for all Charitable Promotion being a Profound Element to his Repertoire’ of Life. There was never a passing week without Organizational Requests for his Appearance and Support, Tim always accepted with Honor. The 70’s were Nuance to a world of Love and Generosity as UNICEF leading Life to Global Acknowledgement. The Music Industry took Wing for the Cause as Iconic Musicians and Groups created Global Sensation with the Brothers Gibb Leading The Way. Radio was the Infra-Structure for the Generating Dynamics, all joined forces Paving the Course of Exalted Highs. Radio contributed as they gathered for the Ultimate Donation of the City, The Exravaganza, The Demolition Derby. Attracting Thousands, In His Appearance, The Energies, The Power, could I feel the Earth Move under my Feet. Saturday Evening Tim Byrd – The ByrdMan Rocked The City and Moved The Earth.

    Commemorating a Simpler Time and Place, WGCL, Tim made Home to many Musical Legends and Icons as visitation for Interview. Opportunity, as they were Relaxed, Generating Laughter, Drinking Coffe, The Personalization Side, as Everyone Chain Smoked themselves to a New Atmospheric Level and Visine was A Non-Combative Solution. Memorable are The Genius of the Industry as they Generate Smiles To Life.

    Howard Sterns – Mainstreaming His Unorthodox Conventions, Lude, Annoying Species, The 500 Million Dollar Genius, BRAVO HOWIE !!!

    Tim, You Do Stand Corrected. True, Cleveland, The Corruption Capitol of the Country does have a voice Problem in Excess, saying Nothing. Present Day, WGCL Paradise is now a Parking Garage to the Affamed Playhouse Square. As Consolation the Greyhound Bus Terminal still Adorns the Infamous 13th and Prospect and will Historically Thrive through the Jetson Revelation. As thirty-Three Years of Generation, Fans still have Fond Memories of The Legendary ByrdMan AKA Tim Byrd being an Inspiration and Light to the Industry.

    Oftentimes through Life Plans are never Fail-Safe and Regretfully my opportunity to meet Pastor Byrd never Transpired. Another Place and Time.

    To the Thirty-Three Years has Timm with his Perserverance, Faithful Diligence, Tenacity and Honor created ” The Man, The Myth, The Legend ”

    I Will Always Love The Man Of Grace, Bearer To The Rose Of Life.

    Toujours Amour Toi Mon Amie’

    1. Is this your first novel?

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