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Tom & Paul Collins, 79 WQXI Atlanta | December 19, 1964. Pt. 2
Station: 790 WQXI Atlanta
Format: Top 40
Station Slogan: “Audio 79”
Featured Air Personalities: Tom Krimsler (“Collins”), Bob Krimsler (“Collins”)
Contributor: Bob Jones
Post Date: 12.08.2017
Airchexx Entry: 1,532
We’re the Tiger Twins Tom & Paul Collins and we got lots of calls for this record…
Curator’s Notes:
Here’s the second part of the Tiger Twins radio program recorded between 12 midnight and 2am 12.19.1964. Commercals, news and sports reports left intact for your listening enjoyment.
Some light processing was performed, mainly to restore the right audio track, as this came to us with audio only in the left. Contributor Bob Jones says this was his original recording, the oldest one he has. We’re very thankful for this inclusion into the Airchexx archives!
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