Wink Martindale, 710 KMPC Los Angeles | June 1976
Chances are you remember Wink Martindale from TV gams shows. He hosted 21 different game shows, including “Trivial Pursuit”, “Can…
Chances are you remember Wink Martindale from TV gams shows. He hosted 21 different game shows, including “Trivial Pursuit”, “Can…
Humble Harve Miller arrived in Los Angeles in 1965 after some time at stations in Trenton, New Jersey. His first…
There was a time when it was common to hear the music of the 1950s on the radio. Back in…
Soon after the TV show, Batman, debuted in January 1966, 93 KHJ Los Angeles ran a promotion with the series.…
Beirne was the voice of K-EARTH 101 during the RKO days and reached legendary status...
"KHJ... with phone calls worth five-thousand dollars cash!..."
Bill Todd, AKA Cat Simon was having every jock’s worst nightmare. Songs stopped in mid-play. Carts misfired. Not once, not…
The Boss Jocks are going to send you a Jet-Set Souvenir… Listening to this one has to wonder, could anyone…