
Everything on this website has been recorded and donated by someone out of their love and passion for radio. While we remove nearly all of the music from these recordings, other parts of the recordings, such as the station jingles, the produced imaging, commercials, and especially, the DJ patter remain. We also add in numerous graphics that directly relate to these audio recordings, and once in a while, someone claims an infringement of his or her copyright.

We do not intend to infringe upon anyone’s intellectual rights. Recordings made from over-the-air broadcasts are, by nature, in the public domain, as the content was freely transmitted by radio for mass consumption at the time of its broadcast. However, if you feel that we have infringed upon your copyrights or patents, we will remove such content upon satisfactory proof that you actually own the copyright, trademark, or patent.


You will need to identify the works that you are claiming an infringement. Specifically, the station, personality, graphics and the date of recording as listed in the aircheck post. You will need to provide us with any and all certificates from the U.S. patent office or other government authority which grants you exclusive rights to the material in question.

We will also need valid contact information, including your full legal name, address, and a working telephone number, along with your email address.

Please contact us BEFORE proceeding with any legal action. We do not intend to infringe upon the rights of others and we will work to resolve the issue to our mutual satisfaction.

Address any and all written communications to:
62 North Main St.
Beacon Falls, CT 06403.

We will respond in writing via U.S. mail or by email when required.

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