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Year: 2014
Boston DJ Legend Dale Dorman ‘Passes’ the Audition – with J. J. Wright, WODS Boston | September 9, 2003
Over a decade ago within the confines of the WODS Studios in Boston, Dale Dorman was welcomed with open arms after spending most of the previous two decades doing CHR radio at crosstown WXKS-FM “Kiss-108”. One of the most recognizable voices in Boston, Dorman was known to several generations of kids, who listened and loved…
Composite: 89 WLS Chicago | March, 1973
What did a complete broadcast day sound like in March, 1973? WLS is sporting the “Rock of Chicago” jingles – Gwinsounds cuts, if I recall. Not much in the way of commercials, but this was tightly scoped and all about the air talent. In order: Charlie Van Dyke in the morning Fred Winston J.J. Jeffrey…
Dale Dorman, 68 WRKO Boston | 1973
… It’s Monday Morning and it’s going to rain And Cher’s “Gypsie’s, Tramps and Theives” is skipping!!!! Well… the Drake era has been over for a while, and Dale Dorman is even more wacky than when Drake tried to reel him in! He sings over intros, and well, the whole show is just silliness. This…
Dale Dorman, 68 WRKO Boston | July, 1971
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dale Dorman! With that introduction by Bill Drake, Dale Dorman kicks off his morning show promptly at 6 am sharp, and the rest of this show is utter nonsense! Uncle Dale is in rare form, although for him this was the norm. Listening to this show, brings us back to…
QuickCheck: Mark Stewart on WZGC Z-93 Atlanta | 1986
Courtesy of Karl Phillips, it’s not long and it’s not the best audio quality but here’s a bit of Mark Stewart on Atlanta’s longtime CHR leader, Z-93!
Format Change: “New Rock” 99X Atlanta is Born | October 26, 1992
Courtesy of Karl Phillips, who sent in a ton of airchecks on reel, here’s one on cassette captured when former Atlanta CHR WAPW “Power 99” flipped to New Rock as 99X. On the tape you’ll hear the old call letters still in use (not WNNX, as this would become), buried in a legal ID buried…
Broadway Bill Lee, 103.5 WKTU New York | May 30, 1997
New Contributor Cecelia Taylor-Hunt sent in over 90 minutes of Bill Lee on “The Beat of New York”. Before you say, ‘this isn’t top 40’, you really must listen. 103-5 KTU is doing some killer promotions around this time, and remember, this was 1997, and all the consolidation which ruined even the big stations hadn’t…
Jay Michaels, 670 KBOI Boise | July 29, 1984
Heres our first glimpse of the Boise Idaho market. This part of the United States radio landscape is quite under-represented. Imagine driving out on, say, I-90 in the northern Rocky Mountains. Theres very few FM stations to listen to, but on AM there are a few lone signals during the daylight hours. At night, however,…