1360 WIXZ Pittsburgh McKeesport Jeff Christie Rush Limbaugh

Mike McGann, WIXZ McKeesport PA | 1973

Date of Recording: 1973 (Exact Date Unknown) Station: 1360 WIXZ McKeesport, PA (WGBN) Featured Air Talent: Mike McGann Contributor: Mike McGann Date of Contribution: 10.12.2016 Aircheck Entry: 1,444 ..Are you…

Mike McGann, 96.1 WXKX Pittsburgh | 1982

Date of Recording: 1982 (Exact date unknown) Station: 96.1 WXKX Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Featured Air Talent: Mike McGann (WIXZ, WXKX) Contributor: Mike McGann Airchexx Entry: 1,450 Comments: We can't pin…