Going way back for this original recording, courtesy of Airchexx’s own Ellis B. Feaster. Carl DeSuze was a legendary broadcaster at WBZ Boston. WBZ itself is a New England institution, having been around since the dawn of radio broadcasting. There is a lot of history associated with WBZ, some of which is listed in Wikipedia’s listing for the station. Its current owner, iHeart Media, has a much more in-depth history of WBZ, located at THIS LINK.

The audio quality of this recording is a bit lacking. Back in the early 1960s, recordings of this nature would most likely have been made by someone with a reel-to-reel tape machine, either at their home or, more likely, done at the radio station itself for archival purposes. Either way, it’s been six decades since this recording was made and there’s quite a bit of speed variation heard from when the tape was played back. That would most likely be caused from the tape itself stretching in places over time. Also, the muffled nature of the recorded audio indicates that the tapes oxide coating was probably flaking off during playback. This is why many archivists ‘bake’ decades-old tapes on reel before playing them back.

Featured here is Carl DeSuze, and toward the beginning of the tape, a full newscast reported by Morton Dean.

Be sure to check out our AIRCHEXX CLASSIC RADIO YouTube Channel. And while you’re there, visit Ellis B. Feaster’s Classic Radio YouTube Channel

By Steve West

Steve West is a 41 year veteran of broadcasting. His air work as a Jock and News Anchor includes six radio markets and over two-dozen radio stations. Steve is the founder of Airchexx.com and Hitoldies.net - All the BIG Hits!

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