Sent in many years ago, here's a composite featuring the state of the FM dial in 1987, in the Southern Appalacian region of Tennessee and north Georgia. While this doesn't…
..."Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa, and his name is Greater Media!" Now on to part two of this simultaneous aircheck. Just for fun I thought it would be cool…
Writeup forthcoming - While I usually try to have a comment to go along with things we post here, the explanation of the WKLB/WCRB frequency swap is far too involved…
Corrections are a good thing... and thanks to Robyn Watts for letting me know that I got my tapes listed out of order... (sheesh, I gotta get better organized). This…
Included on another tape in the 'annonymous' donation from Christmas '04, this is part of the sign off of WPIK Alexandria VA. It invites listeners to tune to their FM…
O & A have been known for many things over the years, and fans know, nothing and nobody is above being a target, just ask former Boston mayor Tom Menino!…
This is very interesting, in that you'll hear a good cross-section of AM & FM stations. It begins with the Mark Simone talk show on WABC, and moves through WOR…
..."We don't know if Extra-Terrestrials are real, but according to you, there's a fifty four percent chance..." From Contributor Antonio Dell'Agio. When we received this aircheck, we were contacted by…