1300 AM Albany WQBK

Mike Hotaling, “Capital Region Speaks” – Talk 1300 WQBK Albany

wqbk-tapeDate of Recording: Late 1990s, exact date unknown
Station: 1300 WQBK (AM) Albany, New York
Featured Air Talent: Mike Hotaling
Contributor: Mike Hotaling
Aircheck Entry: 1,439

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Its not often that air talent has the opportunity to do both a Talk Show and play Rock Jock at the same time, but that’s exactly what happened to Mike Hotaling. Our Contributor was a jock on WQBK-FM “The Edge” Modern Rocker, and got the opportunity to do his own public service show on the FM side as well, on Sundays, an environmental program called “Earth Speaks”. Here, in this recording, Mike had the chance to fill in on a local talk show on the AM side. I think you’ll find Mike Hotaling well informed, knowledgeable and an excellent host, maintaining control of the program with guests and callers. If you’ve ever done a talk show, you know it can be a difficult balancing act keeping the callers on topic, civil and making sure that there’s enough time for all the elements.

And, it’s pretty interesting! The subject matter on this program is exactly what Mr. Hotaling is best at. Environmental issues. Listen for yourself, then compare with other talk show hosts you hear in the Capital Region, or elsewhere!

1300 AM Albany WQBK


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