Tag: 1979

  • Tom Prestigiacomo, 79 WAKY Louisville | 1979

    Here’s a cool aircheck made by contributor, Tom Prestigiacomo. First posted in 2005, Tom informs us that after WAKY, he and a couple of WACKY DJ’s were hired at WMC-FM Memphis – by the former PD of WAKY. In Tom’s words: …”so FM 100 is really just a continuation of WAKY back then”. Anyway, here’s…

  • Cat Simon, 1150 KVIL Dallas | October 19, 1979

    Most everyone knows the story. Gordon McLendon’s KLIF took Dallas by storm in the 60s and until he sold it in the 70s, no other station could touch it. By the end of the decade, however, there were TWO stations vying for the Top 40 crowd: the station McLendon KEPT, KNUS 99, and 1150 KVIL.…

  • Margaret Jones, 97 WYNY New York | Autumn 1979

    Contributor Ray Bozzanca was one of many fans of the late Margaret Jones, as evidenced by this letter sent by her in response to our contributor’s writing to her. Ray wrote: Attached is the letter Margaret sent to me along with her signed photo from 1979.I spoke to Margaret on the phone while she was…

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