107.3 Calgary CKIK

A look at Calgary’s Rock, “Kick 107” (CKIK) | February, 1985

So you’re a rocker and you’re in Calgary for some reason… and much to your surprise there is a really GOOD rock station on FM. Kick 107, isn’t the name of a Country station, at least not here. Its a really good Rock station. Not all hard rock, mind you, but a station that reminds you of the good old AOR days of the 70s. While this is scoped, listen to the variety of music CKIK is playing here. The presentation is pretty laid back, no loud production elements, no screaming promos, just a relaxed jock playing album cuts and Calgary’s Best Rock.


One response to “A look at Calgary’s Rock, “Kick 107” (CKIK) | February, 1985”

  1. Paul in Phx Avatar
    Paul in Phx

    As a lifelong resident of Phoenix, I can’t imagine the temps that were reported on this `check….a high of minus 14!!
    Unbelievably cold….

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